
Automated Downloading for use with RadioDJ

Primary LanguageC#


The Cute File Mover

MoveCute is a simple application that is designed to move files automatically between directories based on dates encoded in the file names. For example, if directory A contains files 2020-08-24_source.txt, 2020-08-25_source.txt, and 2020-08-26_source.txt and directory B contains the file sink.txt, MoveCute can be configured to automatically move 2020-08-24_source.txt to sink.txt on Aug 24th, 2020-08-25_source.txt to sink.txt the next day, and so on.

This is the result of the "Media Downloader" Lightsys Spring Break project. MoveCute does not actually download files though, so that is a bit confusing.

It's for Windows, because a Linux user would just write a script.


The tutorial as well as the executable are available in the releases.

Use cases

This is designed to be used by Radio DJs to automatically move files from a location like a mapped network drive or a synced Dropbox folder into their working directory automatically. As mentioned before, this does not actually download anything, and instead relies on other applications to keep files synced to the user's computer. It is designed to be generic, however, and could be part of any number of workflows.


  • Better logging details
    • Write to logging file (with auto-trimming)
    • Specify failures
  • FileSync Priority Option
    • FileSyncs could have the capability to specify which file it will select when it matches multiple files. (earliest modified, closest to today, most recent, most recently updated)
  • FileSync Stores and Displays error
    • Error should be added at the FileSync level so users can quickly figure out what went wrong
  • Support '/' syntax (unix style)
    • Treat all forward slashes '/' the same way as backslashes ''
  • Use File System Watchers to trigger Auto Sync
    • Add an option to trigger Syncing when a change is detected in the directory that the Source Macro is pointing to