The work has been extended to a journal paper "Efficient k-Clique Counting on Large Graphs: The Power of Color-Based Sampling Approaches".
The source code of the work "Lightning Fast and Space Efficient k-clique Counting, www'22,".
makedir bin
make changeToD
make makeCSR
use com-DBLP as the example:
At first, we have text file
0 1
0 2
2 3
run: bin/makeCSR ./data/dblp/dblp.txt ./data/dblp/tmpedge.bin ./data/dblp/tmpidx.bin, and we get:
./data/dblp/tmpedge.bin ./data/dblp/tmpidx.bin
run bin/changeToD -edge ./data/dblp/tmpedge.bin -idx ./data/dblp/tmpidx.bin -v 425957
-v is the node num.
and we get ./data/dblp/tmpedge.bindeg.bin ./data/dblp/tmpidx.bindeg.bin
rename ./data/dblp/tmpedge.bindeg.bin->./data/dblp/edge.bin
rename ./data/dblp/tmpidx.bindeg.bin->./data/dblp/idx.bin
add file s.txt under the ./data/dblp/:
425957 30 2-clique: 1049866.00 3-clique: 2224385.00 4-clique: 16713192.00
30-clique: 2952522344434315298898706432.00
The next is the s.txt for com-lj:
4036538 8 3-clique: 177820130.00 4-clique: 5216918441.00 5-clique: 246378629120.00 6-clique: 10990740312954.00 7-clique: 449022426169164.00 8-clique: 16890998195437619.00
At last, ./data/dblp/edge.bin, ./data/dblp/idx.bin and ./data/dblp/s.txt are what we need.
If you don't have the exact count of the cliques, just write the node number:
dpcolorpath: bin/run -f data folder -k clique size -N number of samples -cccpath
bin/run -f data/dblp/ -k 8 -N 100000 -cccpath
output:|k| alpha| count of samples|time of exact part| size of exact part| the depth of search| count in exact part|not expected:the lack count | appDensity hittedcount real_sample_times the percentage of the cliques in the sparse part| approximate count | the percentage of the cliques in the dense part among the approximate count | sampling running time| total running time| error
example:|8| 1.0| 100000| 0.03| 1739| d13| 5008853.0|not expected 53 | 1.000000 100000 100000 99.99935555%| 777243510729| 0.00%| 0.07| 0.10| 0.00%
dpcolor:bin/run -f data folder -k clique size -N number of samples -cc
bin/run -f data/dblp/ -k 8 -N 100000 -cc
parallel dpcolorpath: bin/run -f data folder -k clique size -N number of samples -deb 3 -p threads
bin/run -f data/dblp/ -k 8 -N 100000 -deb 3 -p 10
parallel dpcolor:bin/run -f data folder -k clique size -N number of samples -cc -deb 3 -p threads
bin/run -f data/dblp/ -k 8 -N 100000 -deb 3 -cc -p 10