UWAHS Campus Map

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A web application for the UWA Historical Society. The app will use a map of the UWA Crawley Campus to orientate new students and utilise excerpts from the UWAHS Oral Collection in the History Mode.


User Demo

The user can look around the map and view points of interest. Points of interest can contain a description, images and oral histories.

Admin Demo

The admins (UWAHS Volunteers) can add points of interest for the users.


Find the meeting agendas and minutes at the wiki.


  • npm install to install dependencies. Required to do before anything else.
  • npm start to run in development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
  • npm test to launch the test runner in interactive watch mode.
  • npm run build to build the app for production. Find it in the /build folder.

Getting started

  1. Install NodeJS
  2. git clone https://github.com/LightXEthan/uwahs-campus-map to download the files
  3. npm install to install the dependencies, node_modules file will appear with the dependencies
  4. Rename the .env_template file to .env and add the project configuration keys found in the Firebase project settings. See below for more info.
  5. npm start to start a local server

Setup the Firebase back-end API and Google Maps API

The env_template file is for the api keys, add the api keys and rename the file to .env, Getting api keys:

Firebase API

  1. Go to the console: https://console.firebase.google.com
  2. Add a new project
  3. Go to the project settings: http://prntscr.com/ox786z.
  4. Find the Web API Key, scroll down for the project config
  5. Do firebase login in console

Google Maps API

  1. Go to the console: https://console.cloud.google.com
  2. Add Google Maps JavaScript API
  3. Go to library: http://prntscr.com/p09y44
  4. Enable JavaScript Maps API
  5. Go to credentials and find the API Key, a verified billing account is needed to increase the number of map loads from one. To verify, a credit card is needed. There is no upfront costs. Otherwise, the map will have a ‘For Development Purposes’ watermark.

To Host using Firebase

  1. Follow the Firebase documentation Get started with Firebase for web to create and register a Firebase project.
  2. npm i -g firebase-tools to install the Firebase CLI.
  3. firebase login to connect your machine to Firebase.
  4. firebase init to initialize your Firebase project in this app. Select hosting when prompted.
  5. Ensure you have the .env file with the project configuration keys found in the Firebase project settings.
  6. Add an API key for Google Maps Google Cloud Platform, more info can be found in the dev documentation
  7. npm run build to build the React app.
  8. Modify the public key-value pair in firebase.json to "public": "build".
  9. firebase deploy to deploy.

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