
R 📦 to Read, Write, and Manipulate Code Snippets 🔖

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION


Lifecycle: experimental R-CMD-check Codecov test coverage

R package to Read, Write, and Manipulate Code Snippets (currently, VS code snippet)


You can install the development version of snipper from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")


{snipper} aims to be an interface for interacting with code snippets with an ease of manipulation in R.


Snippet tibble

The central data structure for code snippet in R is Snippet tibble (snippets_tbl).

  • It is a subclass of tibble, so that it can be manipulate with {tidyverse} tools.

  • It can be constructed in R by list or data frame.

  • It can be read or write to snippet file (currently, VS code).

  • Its structure and syntax are designed according to VS Code snippet syntax.



Example Data

{snipper} comes with example snippet files. See example snippet files with snipper_example():

# List example VS Code Snippet files
#> [1] "meet.code-snippets" "r.code-snippets"

# Path to a folder containing example VS Code Snippet files
path_vs <- snipper_example("vscode", return_path = TRUE)

Read Snippet from File

Read snippet into R as snippet tibble with read_snip_*() function.

For example, read VS Code Snippets from a folder with:

my_snp <- read_snip_vscode(path_vs)
#> # A tibble: 5 Ă— 6
#>   file_name          snippet_name scope              prefix    body  description
#>   <chr>              <chr>        <chr>              <named l> <nam> <named lis>
#> 1 meet.code-snippets welcome      markdown,plaintext <chr [2]> <chr> <chr [1]>  
#> 2 meet.code-snippets goodbye      markdown,plaintext <chr [2]> <chr> <chr [1]>  
#> 3 r.code-snippets    fun          r                  <chr [1]> <chr> <chr [1]>  
#> 4 r.code-snippets    for          r                  <chr [1]> <chr> <chr [1]>  
#> 5 r.code-snippets    plot         r                  <chr [1]> <chr> <chr [1]>
#> [1] "snippets_tbl" "tbl_df"       "tbl"          "data.frame"

Create Snippet from R

You can create snippet tibble directly from R with:


ls <- list(
  hello = list(
    scope = "plaintext",
    prefix = "hello",
    body = c("hello, there", "$0"),
    description = "Say Hello"
  world = list(
    prefix = "world",
    body = c("Hi","Hi", "Welcome to a new world!")

# To Snippet Tibble
my_snp1 <- as_snippets_tbl(ls)
#> # A tibble: 2 Ă— 5
#>   snippet_name scope     prefix       body         description 
#>   <chr>        <chr>     <named list> <named list> <named list>
#> 1 hello        plaintext <chr [1]>    <chr [2]>    <chr [1]>   
#> 2 world        <NA>      <chr [1]>    <chr [3]>    <chr [1]>

Data Frame

tbl_df <- tibble::tibble(
  snippet_name = LETTERS[1:2],
  scope = rep("markdown", 2),
  prefix = tolower(snippet_name),
  body = paste0("You've get grade **", snippet_name, "**", " ${0}"),
  description = paste0("Insert grade ", snippet_name)

#> # A tibble: 2 Ă— 5
#>   snippet_name scope    prefix body                        description   
#>   <chr>        <chr>    <chr>  <chr>                       <chr>         
#> 1 A            markdown a      You've get grade **A** ${0} Insert grade A
#> 2 B            markdown b      You've get grade **B** ${0} Insert grade B

Convert to snippet tibble

my_snp2 <- as_snippets_tbl(tbl_df)
#> # A tibble: 2 Ă— 5
#>   snippet_name scope    prefix       body         description 
#>   <chr>        <chr>    <named list> <named list> <named list>
#> 1 A            markdown <chr [1]>    <chr [1]>    <chr [1]>   
#> 2 B            markdown <chr [1]>    <chr [1]>    <chr [1]>


Since snippet tibble is a tibble, you can use tidy tools from package like {dplyr} to filter, sort, and manipulate in various ways, for example:

Combine Snippets with:

my_snp_all <- dplyr::bind_rows(my_snp, my_snp1, my_snp2) 
#> # A tibble: 9 Ă— 6
#>   file_name          snippet_name scope              prefix    body  description
#>   <chr>              <chr>        <chr>              <named l> <nam> <named lis>
#> 1 meet.code-snippets welcome      markdown,plaintext <chr [2]> <chr> <chr [1]>  
#> 2 meet.code-snippets goodbye      markdown,plaintext <chr [2]> <chr> <chr [1]>  
#> 3 r.code-snippets    fun          r                  <chr [1]> <chr> <chr [1]>  
#> 4 r.code-snippets    for          r                  <chr [1]> <chr> <chr [1]>  
#> 5 r.code-snippets    plot         r                  <chr [1]> <chr> <chr [1]>  
#> 6 <NA>               hello        plaintext          <chr [1]> <chr> <chr [1]>  
#> 7 <NA>               world        <NA>               <chr [1]> <chr> <chr [1]>  
#> 8 <NA>               A            markdown           <chr [1]> <chr> <chr [1]>  
#> 9 <NA>               B            markdown           <chr [1]> <chr> <chr [1]>

Insert rows directly with dplyr::rows_insert().

my_snp_all <- my_snp_all %>% 
      snippet_name = "goodnight",
      scope = "markdown,plaintext",
      prefix = list(c("goodnight", "gn")),
      body = list(c("Have a sweet dream ${1:darling}", "Goodnight!")),
      description = list("Say Goodnight")
#> Matching, by = "snippet_name"

#> # A tibble: 10 Ă— 6
#>    file_name          snippet_name scope              prefix   body  description
#>    <chr>              <chr>        <chr>              <named > <nam> <named lis>
#>  1 meet.code-snippets welcome      markdown,plaintext <chr>    <chr> <chr [1]>  
#>  2 meet.code-snippets goodbye      markdown,plaintext <chr>    <chr> <chr [1]>  
#>  3 r.code-snippets    fun          r                  <chr>    <chr> <chr [1]>  
#>  4 r.code-snippets    for          r                  <chr>    <chr> <chr [1]>  
#>  5 r.code-snippets    plot         r                  <chr>    <chr> <chr [1]>  
#>  6 <NA>               hello        plaintext          <chr>    <chr> <chr [1]>  
#>  7 <NA>               world        <NA>               <chr>    <chr> <chr [1]>  
#>  8 <NA>               A            markdown           <chr>    <chr> <chr [1]>  
#>  9 <NA>               B            markdown           <chr>    <chr> <chr [1]>  
#> 10 <NA>               goodnight    markdown,plaintext <chr>    <chr> <chr [1]>

Filter language for “markdown” and “plaintext”

my_snp_md <- my_snp_all %>% 
  filter(scope == "markdown,plaintext")

#> # A tibble: 3 Ă— 6
#>   file_name          snippet_name scope              prefix    body  description
#>   <chr>              <chr>        <chr>              <named l> <nam> <named lis>
#> 1 meet.code-snippets welcome      markdown,plaintext <chr [2]> <chr> <chr [1]>  
#> 2 meet.code-snippets goodbye      markdown,plaintext <chr [2]> <chr> <chr [1]>  
#> 3 <NA>               goodnight    markdown,plaintext <chr [2]> <chr> <chr [1]>

Show Snippet

Preview snippet with show_snip_*() function. For example, to preview VS code snippet as JSON use:

#> {
#>   "welcome": {
#>     "scope": "markdown,plaintext",
#>     "prefix": ["wel", "welcome"],
#>     "body": ["Hi ${1:everyone}, welcome to the ${2|meeting,conference|}.", "$0"],
#>     "description": "Welcome guess to the meeting"
#>   },
#>   "goodbye": {
#>     "scope": "markdown,plaintext",
#>     "prefix": ["good", "goodbye"],
#>     "body": ["Nice to see ${1:you}", "Goodbye!,", "Best", "$0"],
#>     "description": "Say goodbye to guess"
#>   },
#>   "goodnight": {
#>     "scope": "markdown,plaintext",
#>     "prefix": ["goodnight", "gn"],
#>     "body": ["Have a sweet dream ${1:darling}", "Goodnight!"],
#>     "description": "Say Goodnight"
#>   }
#> }

Write Snippets

You can write snippet tibble into file with write_snip_*() functions.

To write snippet tibble as a VS code snippet to multi-language, user-defined snippet (.code-snippets) file, we use:

.old_wd <- setwd(tempdir())

write_snip_vscode(my_snp_md, "my-snippet")
#> âś” Write VS code snippet file at 'my-snippet.code-snippets'


Last updated: 2022-06-02