Code Repository of the Article
Quantifying observer metamerism of LED spectra which chromatically mimic natural daylight

This repository provides a function to calculate the observer metamerism effect of two spectra which are metameric for the reference observer as presented in the article "Quantifying observer metamerism of LED spectra which chromatically mimic natural daylight" authored by Adrian Eissfeldt, Babak Zandi, Alexander Herzog and Tran Quoc Khanh.

[Paper] [Supplementary materials]


To calculate the average chromaticity error deltaOM with the proposed deviate observer functions, call the function getObserverMetamerismError.m with two spectra which are metameric for the reference observer at a fieldsize of 2° or 10°. deltaOM corresponds to the average CIE 1976 u'v' chromaticity difference of individual observers. While the deviate observer functions are ranging from 390 nm to 780 nm (with a 5 nm interval), you can set interpolate to 1 in order to use this function also with spectra ranging from 380 nm to 780 nm and a 1 nm interval.

deltaOM = getObserverMetamerismError(spectrum_1, spectrum_2, fieldsize, interpolate);

The Matlab script main.m provides a simple demo code for using this function with a daylight-spectrum and a LED-spectrum.


Please consider to cite our work if you find this repository or our results useful for your research:

Eissfeldt, A.; Zandi, B.; Herzog, A.; Khanh, T.Q. Quantifying observer metamerism of LED spectra which chromatically mimic natural daylight. Opt. Express 29(13), 38168-38184 (2021).

author = {Adrian Eissfeldt and Babak Zandi and Alexander Herzog and Tran Quoc Khanh},
journal = {Opt. Express},
number = {23},
pages = {38168--38184},
publisher = {OSA},
title = {Quantifying observer metamerism of LED spectra which chromatically mimic natural daylight},
volume = {29},
month = {Nov},
year = {2021},
url = {},
doi = {10.1364/OE.433411},