
JavaScript 30 Day Challenge by Wes Bos

Primary LanguageJavaScript

JS30 Challenge

I decided to take the JavaScript 30 Challenge by Wes Bos. It'll be the first daily challenge that I'll commit for next days.


To convert the pug and sass files to be converted into html and css files, install npm dependencies:

npm install

It will allow Gulp to work properly and launch a local static server:

gulp serve

Content of this project

  • Each challenge is developed with PugJS, SASS and Javascript
  • You can generate a challenge: python new.py [challenge-name]
  • Challenges are convert into HTML and CSS files thanks to gulp
  • Hot reloading available!
  • Hosting it with Netlify (configuration -- folder: /dist & script: gulp build)
  • Local static server with BrowserSync


  • 1. JavaScript Drum Kit
  • 2. JS + CSS Clock
  • 3. Playing with CSS Variables and JS
  • 4. Array Cardio, Day 1
  • 5. Flex Panels Image Gallery
  • 6. Ajax Type Ahead
  • 7. Array Cardio, Day 2
  • 8. Fun with HTML5 Canvas
  • 9. Dev Tools Domination
  • 10. Hold Shift and Check Checkboxes
  • 11. Custom Video Player
  • 12. Key Sequence Detection
  • 13. Slide in on Scroll
  • 14. Object and Arrays - Reference VS Copy
  • 15. LocalStorage and Event Delegation
  • 16. Mouse Move Shadow
  • 17. Sort Without Articles
  • 18. Tally String Times with Reduce
  • 19. Webcam Fun
  • 20. Speech Detection
  • 21. Geolocation based Speedometer and Compass
  • 22. Follow Along Link Highlighter
  • 23. Speech Synthesis
  • 24. Sticky Nav
  • 25. Event Capture, Propagation, Bubbling, and Once
  • 26. Stripe Follow Along Nav
  • 27. Click and Drag
  • 28. Video Speed Controller
  • 29. Countdown Timer
  • 30. Whack A Mole