

This is a coursework project of ME5406 (Deep Learning in Robotics) in NUS.
The project aims to solve the Frozen Lake Problem which contains two tasks via model-free reinforcement learning approaches. The Frozen Lake problem considers a frozen lake as a grid-world scenario that a robot is to glide on the frozen surface from the top left corner to the bottom right corner in order to pick up a frisbee while avoiding falling into holes covered by patches of very thin ice.
frozen lake

  • Algorithms

  1. First-visit Monte Carlo control without exploring starts.
  2. SARSA with an ϵ-greedy behavior policy.
  3. Q-learning with an ϵ-greedy behavior policy


The below shows some of the packages required in this project.

pip install numpy==1.21.2
pip install pandas==1.3.2
pip install seaborn==0.11.2
pip install matplotlib==3.4.3


  • This project is implemented under Python 3.8, and the environment is set up by using tkinter. If you don't have tkinter package, pip install it at first.
  • The structure of the contents of the folder task1 and task2 is similar.         # Environment setup file, including state and action spaces and reward function, etc.           # Algorithm file, which contains the policy function, update function, plot function, etc.   # Main file to run the training of Q-learning algorithm        # Main file to run the training of SARSA algorithm           # Main file to run the training of Monte Carlo algorithm       # File to compare the performance of three algorithms