- Course: ProbabilitĂ e Statistica per l'Informatica
- University: UniversitĂ degli Studi di Milano Bicocca
- Academic Year: 2nd Year of Bachelor's Degree
The objective of this project is to analyze the sales data of a Decathlon store in Milan. Specifically, we aim to evaluate the hypothesis of expanding the assistance and repair area. Our supervisor believes that improving the service for customers in this area will have a positive impact on the sales of components. To achieve this, we will utilize statistical methods and techniques.
The project will be implemented using the R programming language.
The following statistical topics will be covered in this project:
- Descriptive Statistics
- Hypothesis Testing
- Student's t-test
- Linear Regression
The project consists of the following files:
- Assignment_Report.pdf: This file contains the project assignment report.
- Project_Guidelines.pdf: This file contains the project guidelines and instructions.
- Data_values.xlsx: This file contains the provided data values for analysis.
- Script_R.R: This file is an R script developed for the project.
Feel free to refer to these files for a comprehensive understanding of the project.
Thank you for your attention!