
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Getting Started with News

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App --template typescript



  • The page "Home" displays articles from News API : https://newsapi.org/docs/endpoints/top-headlines
  • On the Home page a menu allows the user to search articles by categories
  • On the Home page a search bar allows the user to search articles containing specfics words
  • The page "Article" displays the article selected by the user with more details

Running the project

Clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/LilaGuill/news.git
cd news

Install packages

npm install

API key


Run the project

npm start

Lambda functions - Netlify

To request data from API that requires API key, it's a good idea to execute your call method from a server.

Netlify provides an easy way to execute server-side code without having to run a dedicated server thanks to the lambda functions. These functions are stored in the functions file in the project.

For more informations about the lamba functions : https://docs.netlify.com/functions/overview/

In your front you have to call your function like this:

const res = await axios.get("/.netlify/functions/getNews")