
🔮 Crystal Ball: A Flask-based web app for asking questions and receiving mystical answers using NLP

Primary LanguageHTML

🧙‍♀️🔮 CrystalBall 🌙✨

CrystalBall combines the power of divination and question-answering using Hugging Face's NLP (Natural Language Processing) LLM (Large Language Models). Unlock the secrets hidden within your documents and receive answers to your questions using the wisdom of CrystalBall.

🧪Installation 🔬

Create and activate a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate

Install the required dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Prepare your document:

Ensure your document is in the desired format (e.g., text or Markdown). Store your document in a suitable location. Seek answers from CrystalBall:

Create an instance of the CrystalBall class. Use the read_document() method to provide the document path. Invoke the answer_question() method with your question. Experience the wisdom and insights of CrystalBall. Sample code:

from crystal_ball import CrystalBall

crystal_ball = CrystalBall()

question = "What is the main theme of the document?"
answers = crystal_ball.answer_question(question)

for answer in answers:
    print("Answer:", answer['answer'])
    print("Score:", answer['score'])

May the magic of CrystalBall guide you on your quest for knowledge and insights! ✨🔮🌙