
Bootstrap navbar SASS over-ride

Primary LanguageHTML

SCSS Bootstrap navbar


Start by copying our navbar template:

Of course, you have to replace the assets (logo, profile picture) by your own.

Respect the navbar markup

For our navbar styles to apply, you have to:

  • add class="navbar-wagon" to the initial Bootstrap <nav>
  • your logo should be a <img> inside the .navbar-brand link.
  • your profile picture should hold the class class="img-avatar"
  • To apply a "button-style" to a link, add it a class="btn"

SCSS template

Our _navbar.css.scss implements style rules on the .wagon-navbar class. Herebelow we detail the role of each sass variable.

Navbar-Wagon SCSS variables

General appearance

Change your navbar background and link color, and link hover color

/* -------------------------------------
 * Colors & Fonts
 * ------------------------------------- */
$navbar-color: white;
$navbar-hover-color: #D4312D;
$navbar-font-family: "Montserrat", sans-serif; // Google fonts
$navbar-bg: transparent;

Change the height, spacing and borders

/* -------------------------------------
 * Box model
 * ------------------------------------- */
$navbar-height: 50px;
$navbar-vertical-padding: 5px;
$navbar-horizontal-padding: 20px;
$navbar-border-bottom-width: 0;
$navbar-border-bottom-color: grey;

Navbar button style

We give you some variables for pimping your navbar buttons.

/* -------------------------------------
 * Navbar button
 * ------------------------------------- */
$navbar-btn-height: 40px;
$navbar-btn-bg: lightgrey;
$navbar-btn-color: white;
$navbar-btn-horizontal-padding: 10px;
$navbar-btn-radius: 2px;

Profile picture

You can also change the style of your navbar profile picture playing on its radius and border

/* -------------------------------------
 * Navbar profile picture
 * ------------------------------------- */
$navbar-profile-radius: 50%;
$navbar-profile-border-color: white;
$navbar-profile-border-width: 2px;

Integration in Rails

Rails assets

In Rails, the integration is easy if you have installed sass-rails and bootstrap-sass gems. You can just add the _navbar.scss file to your Rails layout stylesheets, and then import this file in application.css.scss


// Our navbar SCSS code
@import "navbar";
@import "footer";
@import "sidebar";

/* -------------------------------------
 * Layout stylesheets
 * ------------------------------------- */
 @import "layout/index";

Here you go!

ERB template

Don't forget to modify our ERB template carefully if you use different path helpers.

Contribute, share your masterpiece!

Feel free to contribute to this project with pull requests, and to share with us your navbar masterpieces!
