
Parsers/Generators for the standards related to "Onlinezugangsgesetz" esp. FIM (xDatenfelder/xZufi/xöv)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

🥔 Onlinezugangsgesetz Tools 🥔

Currently this package includes a parser and converter to jsonschema-forms for the xDatenfelder format.


pip install ozg
from ozg.xdatenfelder.parser import FIMParser
import json

fim_url = "https://fimportal.de/detail?tx_fimportalcatalog_fimsearch%5Baction%5D=download&tx_fimportalcatalog_fimsearch%5Bcontroller%5D=CatalogEntry&tx_fimportalcatalog_fimsearch%5BdocumentIndex%5D=1&tx_fimportalcatalog_fimsearch%5Bid%5D=DS00000123&cHash=0760c920aa906ab17ecef77281781f09"
# parses your XDatenfelder file/url/string
parser = FIMParser(fim_url)

# dumps your spec as a json-schema-form


  • Basic parsing of XDatenfelder
    • v1
    • v2
  • Implementation of select fields by using external xdatenfelder resources from xrepository
  • (basic) XDatenfelder transformation to jsonschema-form
  • conversions from json to xöv xml documents
  • implementation of xzufi standard