

A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for users to upload school grades, then view and get grades report onclick.


FOR school administrators and teachers, WHO are in need to ease administrative and grades report workload. THE MVP IS a Single Page Application THAT generates grades report promptly, UNLIKE time consuming email and spreadsheet report collaboration between teachers and administrators. THIS PRODUCT rids the user's hassle of compiling all grades from many files manually to create a report.


  • Upload school grades excel file by subject
  • Retrieve grades report onclick with data visualization

Feature Wish List

Nice To Have Features

  • Authorized user login
  • Download report to excel file
  • Generate attendance report and invoicing
  • Generate financial statement and report
  • School library online platform
  • Real time students assignment/ project collaboration

Tech / Framework

Built with Vue.Js, Node.Js/ Express.Js and MySQL.

Why Did I Choose This Tech?

Tech Stack Reason
VueJs It is reactive, user and developer friendly. It has a simplistic approach and is flexible. It also has good documentation and an impressive support for the platform. It can be easily integrated into other frameworks and this is appealing for future project expansion.
NodeJs / ExpressJs It uses JavaScript as the main application to create new applications. It is easy to maintain and modify, lightweight and fast. The growing NPM (Node Package Manager) gives developers multiple tools and modules to use.
MySQL It is an open source database that facilitates effective management of databases and it provides comprehensive support for every application development need. It is stable, reliable and used by many well-known enterprises. It offers data security, on-demand scalability and high performance.

Database Schema


API Routes Plan

URI HTTP Method Description
/users/myschooladmin POST Create grades
/users/myschooladmin GET Retrieve all grades
/users/myschooladmin/students GET Retrieve list of students
/users/myschooladmin/grades/:student_id GET Retrieve grades by student id
/users/myschooladmin/averagegrade/:student_id GET Retrieve average grades by student id
/users/myschooladmin/averagesubjectgrades GET Retrieve list of average subject grades

User Flow Diagram


Architecture Drawing




  • Run npm install in project directory. This will install server-related dependencies such as express
  • cd client and run npm install. This will install client dependencies

Database Prep

  • Access the MySQL interface in your terminal by running mysql -u root -p
  • Create a new database called myschooladmin: create database myschooladmin;
  • Create a .env file in project directory and add
  • Replace YOUR_PASSWORD with your actual password

  • Run npm run migrate in the main folder of this repository, in a new terminal window. This will create 4 tables (grades, students, subjects and teachers) in your database.

Run Your Development Servers

  • Run npm start in project directory to start the Express server on port 5000
  • cd client and run npm run serve to run your development build. The app will run on http://localhost:8080 as the default port.



This is a student project that was created at CodeOp, a full stack development bootcamp in Barcelona and Rebound.Asia, by TechSprint Academy (Malaysia’s first women only coding academy).