Project Name: BUno
Team Name: Quattro
Team Members: Scott Little, Lily Romano, James Kelly, Rachel Wang
Project Statement:
	Our game is called BUno, and is in short the classic UNO game, except that it is played against three computer AI, and with a twist to utilize Bucknell themes and colors. It allows the user to play a great card game and hone their UNO skills, even when they don’t have friends around, all the while showing their school spirit!
The user begins by running the game in one of two ways (indicated in the paragraph below). Players start the game with seven cards, and take turns either playing a card that matches the color/symbol of the face up card on the board, or drawing a card if they have no playable cards. Once a player reaches one card in their hand, they must click the BUno! button before another player does, otherwise they must draw two cards as a penalty. A round ends when a player completely runs out of cards, with the round winner then gaining points based on how many cards are left in opponent’s hands. The game ends when a player reaches 500 points, and is crowned the winner.
	The main program can be found in the file in the unogamemvc folder under source. Our game can be played by running this file, or by running the project as a whole. BUno can also be played by simply running the file csci205FinalProject.jar.