[Django CRUD]

  • Create a new virtual environment in that folder named env and install django in it.
  • Create a new django project. Use your Zuriboard Student ID as the name of the project.
  • Create a new application using the django startapp command. The app should be called blog.
  • Add the blog app to the main_projects INSTALLED_APPS.
  • Replace the content of blog/models.py with the content of this starter file: https://github.com/TobeTek/Zuri/blob/main/starter-files/Django-CRUD/models.py . We should now have a Post model in blog/models.py.
  • Create migrations for your new model using the makemigrations django command.
  • Run all migrations using, migrate django command.
  • To make our Post model accessible from the admin site, register the Post model in blog/admin.py

Now for the views.

In blog/views.py,  create a new view/class PostListView, which inherits django’s generic ListView,  it’s config/attributes should be:

model = Post


Create another view, PostCreateView, which inherits django’s generic CreateView, with attributes:

model = Post

fields = “__all__”

success_url  = reverse_lazy(“blog:all”)


Create another view, PostDetailView, which inherits django’s generic DetailView, with attributes:

model = Post


Create another view PostUpdateView, which inherits django’s generic UpdateView, with attributes:

model = Post

fields = “__all__”

success_url  = reverse_lazy(“blog:all”)


Create another view PostDeleteView, which inherits django’s generic UpdateView, with attributes:

model = Post

fields = “__all__”

success_url  = reverse_lazy(“blog:all”)


Time to create templates.

Create a new folder templates under the blog app.  

Copy all the files and folders from https://github.com/TobeTek/Zuri/tree/main/starter-files/Django-CRUD/templates to blog/templates folder.


Create a file, blog/urls.py, if it doesn’t already exist.

Replace the content of blog/urls.py with the content of https://github.com/TobeTek/Zuri/blob/main/starter-files/Django-CRUD/urls.py 


Go to your project_app/urls.py and add a new url pattern with the following content:

path("blog/", include("blog.urls", namespace="blog"))