
The WouterJEloquentBundle claims to integrate the Eloquent ORM into the Symfony2 framework.

Primary LanguagePHP


The WouterJEloquentBundle claims to integrate the Eloquent ORM into the Symfony2 framework.

Build Status


The recommend way to install the bundle is using Composer. Since this bundle uses the PSR-4 autoloading, be sure to always update Composer to the latest version before installing the bundle:

$ php composer.phar require wouterj/eloquent-bundle 0.1.*

After the bundle and the Eloquent ORM are installed, register the bundle in your kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php

// ...
public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Wj\EloquentBundle\WjEloquentBundle(),

    // ...
    return $bundles;


To use the Eloquent ORM and its database features, you need to configure the bundle with the database information:

    driver: mysql
    host: localhost
    database: db_name
    username: root
    password: pass
    prefix: ''


To learn more about the bundle, read the documentation.


This project is licensed under the MIT license. For more information, see the LICENSE file included in this bundle.


I love contributors. You can submit fixes, report bugs, give your opinion, advocate this bundle or just say "hello" to me. Feel free to do anything you want, as long as you stick to the Symfony Coding Standards.

Discussions about the CS used or PRs adding PHPdoc comments have a high risk to be rejected.


To view the roadmap to a full featured Eloquent bundle, see the roadmap.