
SearchEngine with parsetree to handle queries

Primary LanguageJava


What is it?

This is a project created in a course on Algorithms and datastructures. The program is written in Java and represents a SearchEngine which at startup will read 500 documents and their containing words, when the reading is done the user will be notified (taks around 4seconds) that he/she can search for words.

##Functionality The search-queries is handled by a parsetree that supports complex queries in infix-notation. Supported operations are: Union (|), Intersection (+) and Difference (-).

The result will contain the documents where the words occur. The documents can be sorted by adding: "sortby popularity/relevance asc/desc"

##Documentation The code is well documented but if you have any questions you can contact me on Kimham@kth.se

##How can i use this? in src/main/resources u can find a raw zip file that you can download, or check out my personal website where i will put a download link: limmen.github.io/Personal-website. ##Author Kim Hammar

KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm)