Congratulations! You have just downloaded the Melville mudlib for the DGD driver. This document assumes you have succesfully compiled the driver already and have just untarred the mudlib. It gives instructions for bringing the mudlib on-line and setting yourself up as the admin (or admins) of the mud. You should follow the steps given in this document in order, and you should not do anything else until you have reached the end of these steps. If you do that, you should get the mudlib set up properly and be ready to begin using it. 1) This mudlib untarred into a single directory, called melville, which contains 10 subdirectories, the mudlib config file Melvmud, an introductory file Introduction, your license for using this software, and this README file. You should read the license since it explains what you may and may not do with this software. You do not need to move this directory, but you may want to put it on the same level as the driver source directory, or the driver executable, or anywhere else you want to put it. You will definitely want to put the melvmud config file into the same directory as the driver executable, to simplify starting the mud. 2) Edit the melvmud file to change any of the options you would like changed. The only one you must change is the mudlib directory path option, to match the location of the mudlib directory in your file system. You must specify the absolute path. You may also wish to change the maximum number of users (default 2), the maximum size of an array (default 1000), the listening port (Melville uses 1863) or other options. 3) Edit the file melville/include/admin.h to add yourself to the list of admins. You may want to delete the mobydick character from this list, and you might want to delete the mobydick character altogether. 4) Start up the driver executable specifying the melvmud file as the configuration file. You may want to place this job in background, or you may want to use the rundgd script that comes with the driver. You may also want to redirect the standard error to a file visible from within the mudlib. The command I use to start the driver is dgd.exe Melvmud >& ../melville/log/driver & or dgd.exe Melvmud Dumpfile >& ../melville/log/driver & if I start from a dump. The file /include/version.h in the mudlib gives the driver version that was current when this version of the mudlib was released. This release should work unaltered on that version of DGD. Earlier or later versions of DGD may not be compatible and may require some alterations to the mudlib. 5) Telnet into the mud and create your admin character. You will automatically be given wizard status. If you added yourself to the admin list in step 3, you will also be given admin status. 6) Either from within the mud or from outside it, read the file /doc/Melville. This describes the mudlib briefly and gives you a guide where to look for more information. 7) Read the other files in /doc. There are three which describe parts of the operation of the mudlib in more detail: /doc/security, /doc/directories, and /doc/cmd_parsing. You should read these closely. The other important documents are found in /doc/functions and describe the functions defined by the important objects of the mudlib. You may also want to simlink your kfun documents to this directory so they can be accessed within the mudlib. 8) When you think you have things under control, add the rest of your admin characters to the admins.h define, and allow your other admins and wizards to create their characters. Then alter /include/options.h to turn off the autowiz option. Enjoy the lib!
Repository saving the code for MelvilleMudlib w/changes as necessary for running against the current DGD driver