This is a small tool which allows for easy accessability to spoofing your MAC Address and scanning IP addresses. The idea behind this is to help you obtain free airplane wifi.
Authors and contibutors are not responsible for whatever you do with this tool.
You are responsible for your own actions!
Operating System:
Python Library (Pip3):
You can install the program by:
1. Downloading the file on the Github page
Or by...
2. Typing in your terminal - git clone
Once finished installing, please type sudo python3
to setup your program.
For Mac OS X:
Open the directory to the file: 'airline-crack' and run the program by typing:
sudo python3
For Linux:
Simply type airline-crack
in your terminal to run the program.
During setup for Linux users, the python program ( and will go into the directory: /usr/share/airline-crack
As for the bash program, that will allow for running the program with the command 'airline-crack', will go to the directory: /usr/bin
This however does not work for Mac OS users as the /usr/bin/
and /usr/share
is not accessable even with sudo.
This is because Macs limit the power of the root account, so that even if you become root, you don't have full control over the system.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
You can see for details of changes to the tool for each update.
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License (v3.0) - see the file for details.