
A cross-platform utility (linux, windows for now) that help you gather information (cpu_usage, memory_usage, ...) from a particular process.

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A utility that help you gather information (cpu_usage, memory_usage, ...) from a particular process.


You'll see something like this:

↳ iproc -p 25933 -r 4
        Mem: 8524 Kb
        Cpu: 0.1%
        Mem: 1524 Kb
        Cpu: 1.4%
        Mem: 4523 Kb
        Cpu: 0.0%
        Mem: 4220 Kb
        Cpu: 2.3%

To see full range of options, use -h:

        -p,--process-id     The process-id to watch
        -i,--interval       The period of time to do unlimited calculations.(default = 2)
        -o,--one-shot       Just calculate once
        -r,--repetition     The number of repetitions
        -h,--help           Show this help message



First make sure you have these tools on your machine:

  • make
  • clang or gcc or any other c-compiler that you prefre.

Then: cd linux; make; ./release/iproc -p <PID>


You have three options:

  1. Open solution file that resides here: .\windows\visual_studio\iproc.sln and build the project through IDE.

  2. Build from command-line via cl.exe.

    2.1. Open visual studio command prompt.

    2.3. Change to .\iproc\windows direcotry.

    2.4. cl.exe ..\core\iproc.c .\windows.c

    Tip: If you don't have visual-studio command prompt or prefer to stay in your current pwsh, you can prepare cl.exe via this command:

    Invoke-CmdScript "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"

  3. Or you can use mingw(that contains gcc), or clang or any other c-compiler that you prefer.


  • Cpu usage in linux isn't correct.
  • Memory usage in windows isn't correct.

