Hongyi's code for Community Mapping (Spring 2021)


This repo contains all of the code I used for creating clustering algorithms for the Community Mapping project over the Spring 2021 semester.

This does NOT contain code for the website I made for evaluating clusters. See https://github.com/ZXQYC/neighborhood-evaluation for that code.

Here's a list of things in this repo:

Jupyter Notebooks

  • neighborhoods_2.ipynb contains my current AGNES-based clustering algorithm. See the comments in this notebook to see how it works.
  • neighborhoods_old.ipynb contains my old clustering algorithm. The code in it is not very well documented, partially because I have no idea what I was doing back then. I'm keeping this file in the git repo for legacy purposes, but it's not very useful.
  • road_region_creator.ipynb contains code for generating road_regions.js and road_regions.json, which is a partition of Champaign into natural regions (aka a region bounded by natural boundaries). These 2 generated files are necessary for running neighborhoods_2.ipynb.
  • tax_crawler.ipynb contains code for crawling PropertyShark for tax data. This generates all of the files in the PropertyShark folder. This uses tax_crawler.py, which contains the main logic for crawling PropertyShark.

Python Code Files


A module that generates heatmaps that can be displayed in map.html.

  • FloatColorMapper.genJSON(points, floatScale) gives an object which can be converted into a JSON string.


A simple module that reads champaign-Building_Footprints.kml and outputs a list of polygons.MultiPolygon objects containing all of the building footprints.

  • footprint_kml_poly_extractor.extract() gives the list of MultiPolygon objects.


A module for creating .js files that contain definitions for certain variables. Example usage:

import jsdump
dumper = jsdump.Dumper('things.js')
dumper.dump('oneplusone', 2)
dumper.dump('small_list', [5,6])

This will create a file named things.js containing the following:

const oneplusone = 2;
const small_list = [


A module for calculating and approximating distances between geospatial points, given their latitude and longitude.

  • exact_dist(pt0, pt1) gives the exact distance (in km) between points pt0 and pt1. Each point should be a list (or tuple, or numpy array, or whatever) of the form [longitude, latitude].
  • set_center(cx, cy) will set variables that are used by approx_dist(pt0, pt1). approx_dist will be most accurate when used on points close to [cx,cy].
  • approx_dist(pt0, pt1) works similarly to exact_dist(pt0, pt1), but is only accurate for points close to the [cx,cy] set by set_center(cx,cy). This runs much faster than exact_dist, so use this when speed is an issue. You can do bulk calculation by passing in an array of points to either pt0 or pt1, in which case the answer will be an array rather than a single number.


A module that can read .osm files and gives a bunch of segments, each representing a natural boundary.

  • osm_roads.get_road_segs(osm_file) reads the .osm file with name osm_file, and outputs all the relevant natural boundaries found. The output is a 3d numpy array arr with shape (N,2,2), where there are N natural boundary segments. Segment i starts at (longitude,latitude) of (arr[i,0,0],arr[i,0,1]) and ends at (arr[i,1,0],arr[i,1,1]).

Note that the name of this file, and the variables/comments inside of it, are slightly outdated. Previously, this file only used roads as natural boundaries, but has since been expanded to include waterways as well.


A module that contains the main AGNES-based algorithm used in neighborhoods_2.ipynb.

  • PolygonGraph: A class representing a graph where polygons are nodes, and two polygons are connected iff they share a side. This contains several functions for performing AGNES on the nodes.


A big module for doing computational geometry used in neighborhoods_2.ipynb.

  • MultiPolygon: A class representing a MultiPolygon, aka a set of polygons. Honestly, this module is really inefficient, and I would recommend using some pre-existing computational geometry module instead. However, a significant portion of the code in this git repo relies on this module.


A simple module for keeping track of progress of a slow-running task.


A module for crawling PropertyShark for property data.

  • get_all_tax_info(addrs): Gets a list of tax info for every address in addrs. addrs should be a list of strings, with each string being an address.

Map Frontend Code Files

These are the files for generating the map at map.html.


The main page. Open this in a browser to view the map.


This file contains most of the actual logic for the map. You can adjust the constants at the start of the file, to change what is displayed.

Raw Data Files

Downloaded from Champaign GIS

(Data files that were directly downloaded from websites)

  • champaign-addresses.csv was downloaded from https://gis-cityofchampaign.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/address-points and contains address points in Champaign.
  • champaign-Apartments.csv was downloaded from https://gis-cityofchampaign.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/apartments and contains apartments in Champaign.
  • champaign-Building_Footprints.kml was downloaded from https://gis-cityofchampaign.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/building-footprints and contains building footprints in Champaign.

Other Data Files

  • map.osm contains data for a region of Champaign, downloaded from OpenStreetMap.
  • PropertyShark/ contains property data found by crawling the PropertyShark website. PropertyShark/tax_all.csv contains all of the information. You can also view smaller chunks of it in the tax0.csv, tax1.csv, etc etc files. These files were generated by tax_crawler.ipynb.

Generated Files

Generated by neighborhoods_2.ipynb

  • addresses_with_tax.csv is a csv file that is the result of merging PropertyShark/tax_all.csv with the residential addresses in champaign-addresses.csv.
  • agnes_result.json contains a representation for a set of regions generated by my AGNES-based clustering algorithm. Each region has a name, a set of addresses, and a set of adjacent regions. This file can be used by my website to generate pairs of houses for humans to evaluate. (Put it in the base directory in the git repo for the website, and rename it to cluster_result.json.)
  • agnes_road_regions.js contains another representation for a set of regions generated by my AGNES-based clustering algorithm. It contains the vertices of the polygonal regions created by my algorithm. It is used by map.html to display clusters.
  • feature_color_map.js contains information for displaying a heatmap for the 8 features used by my AGNES-based clustering algorithm. It is used by map.html to display the heatmap.

Generated by road_region_creator.ipynb

  • road_regions.json: Contains a representation for a list of MultiPolygons, each representing a natural region of Champaign.
  • road_regions.js: Same as road_regions.json, but as a js file instead.

Generated by neighborhoods_old.ipynb (OUTDATED)

  • convex_hulls.js contains information that map.html uses to display clusters formed by my old clustering algorithm.