tensorrt for yolo series (YOLOv11,YOLOv10,YOLOv9,YOLOv8,YOLOv7,YOLOv6,YOLOX,YOLOv5), nms plugin support
Pinned issues
- 3
Yolov11 inference problem
#145 opened by asdemirel - 1
#142 opened by 121649982 - 0
#144 opened by liaoliangjin - 0
bug in post-process
#143 opened by mkloftdyn - 1
Error with YOLOv10 video inference
#134 opened by tuannhtn - 3
- 2
- 2
#140 opened by leb-2 - 0
- 1
- 7
#136 opened by jia0511 - 1
yolov7 onnx to trt core dump
#135 opened by qrsssh - 0
#133 opened by simplystart-from-begining - 4
Does this support dynamic batch input convert?
#131 opened by jlcbj - 1
No module named 'cuda'
#130 opened by AdamSEY - 2
#121 opened by chenxp1128 - 2
yolox 自己训练的模型 trt推理 位置不对
#118 opened by leomy9527 - 34
关于V8 tensorrt 出现乱框的情况
#116 opened by SHOUshou0426 - 0
- 1
yolox和yolov7的官方代码似乎已经做了nms onnx推理
#127 opened by NeKoooo233 - 1
#126 opened by xqh5201314 - 0
#125 opened by yxl23 - 0
Can I use this code for exporting the RTDETR Model
#124 opened by shreejalt - 0
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Jetson nano yolov8部署 onnx ->> trt
#122 opened by icesheeters - 4
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#120 opened by Lionalla - 4
int8量化的时候,输入是多个,怎么修改呢? calib_shape = [calib_batch_size] + list(inputs[0].shape[1:])不对吧
#119 opened by henbucuoshanghai - 2
TensorRT Conversion Issue "TypeError: pybind11::init(): factory function returned nullptr"
#117 opened by VbsmRobotic - 2
Error Code 1: Serialization (Serialization assertion creator failed.Cannot deserialize plugin since corresponding IPluginCreator not found in Plugin Registry)
#97 opened by Yuanlin-Zhao - 4
- 0
Support for windows?
#113 opened by optimisticabouthumanity - 0
memory leak: Destroy function does not work
#111 opened by ReverseSystem001 - 4
c++ endtoend 关于预测的置信度绘制
#109 opened by phhh-xh - 1
auto in_dims = engine->getBindingDimensions(engine->getBindingIndex("image_arrays"));
#105 opened by maoxian123 - 2
En715 Jetson xaiver Nx Yolov7.trt Not detect
#106 opened by sergenerbay - 3
yolov7,official,int8,onnx-> trt报错
#108 opened by simplew2011 - 4
How to use engine in a process or a thread
#102 opened by jet-c-21 - 0
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how to deploy in multiple nvidia card, such as a computer with 8 3060 card?
#103 opened by zhuimeng2080 - 2
usage example for
#99 opened by jet-c-21 - 1
int8 vs fp16 加速倍数能有多少?
#101 opened by ywangwxd - 3
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Cannot find binding of given name: outputs。
#91 opened by Yuanlin-Zhao - 5
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yolov8 inference
#96 opened by jhxiang - 5
- 0
requirements.txt not found
#92 opened by gzw820 - 0
Benchmarking .trt model
#90 opened by vivekdevre