
Multilabel classification with mobilenet and inference in ncnn.

Primary LanguagePython


Multilabel classification with mobilenet and inference in ncnn.


How to do multilabel classification.

Change Label Map

If we just want to do multiclass classification,the label map wil be:


When we change label map:

Beyond that,we comelete the operation like one-hot-encode.

With scikit-learn tools

We can use MultiLabelBinarizer in scikit-learn.preprocess to transform text labels to one-hot like encode. Usage:

from sklearn.preprocessing import MultiLabelBinarizer
labels = [["cat","dog"]]
mlb = MultiLabelBinarizer
labels = mlb.fit_transform(labels)

The result will be [[1,1,0]].


When we save the image and label list as a csv file, the type of the label will be string. So we transform them with four line.

t_list = pd.read_csv("D:/project/ShuffleNet/csv/img1.2.csv")
t_list['label'] = t_list['label'].apply(lambda x: [int(x[1]), int(x[3]), int(x[5])])
t_list['label'] = t_list['label'].apply(lambda x: [float(x[0]), float(x[1]), float(x[2])])
train_label = t_list['label'].tolist()

Change the Loss Function

When we complete a multilabel classification tast,we must use sigmoid loss function instead of softmax.

cross_entropy = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=batch_labels)

We can also use label smoothing to improve model generalization ability.

label_smoothing = 0.1
batch_labels = (1.0-label_smoothing)*batch_labels+label_smoothing/N_CLASSES

How to predict

We just compare the logits with threshold(0.5). For one category,if the probability larger than the threshold,the label in that place is 1.

model = MobileNetV1(x_4d, 3, is_training=False)
logit = model.output
pred = tf.nn.sigmoid(logit)

Sample Imbalance

In fact,the number of the cat_dog images is far less than that of cat or dog.What we did is train a base model with all the datasets for 50 epochs.And forward the model with the input of cat、dog and other images,and then select 30000 of each category according to confidence.In the other words,we screen out the complex samples.We train another 50 epochs with new datasets using base model as pre-trained model.And finally,we get the results.

Cat: 97.1% -> 95.8%
Dog: 97.4% -> 96.2%
Other: 97.31% -> 97.24%
Cat_Dog: 20% -> 80%


The number of the cat_dog images is very small.We need to spy more samples on the website. Sometimes these images are damaged,so we must find out and delete them.

filename = tf.placeholder(tf.string, [], name='filename')
image_file = tf.read_file(filename)
image = tf.image.decode_jpeg(image_file)
for i in range(len(a)):
    print(a[i], '{}/{}'.format(i,len(a)))
    img=sess.run(image, feed_dict={filename:a[i]})

a is a image path list,find the image and delete it.

How to Run the Model in Vs2017 with ncnn.

ncnn is a high-performance neural network inference computing framework optimized for mobile platforms.However it doesn't support tensorflow.So we must transfer to some bridge frame coreml,onnx.


Step 1 Freeze the model to .pb

output_node_names = ["input_1","sigmoid_out"]
saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(input_checkpoint + '.meta', clear_devices=True)
with tf.Session() as sess:
    saver.restore(sess, input_checkpoint)  
    output_graph_def = graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants(  
            input_graph_def=sess.graph_def,  # 等于:sess.graph_def
     with tf.gfile.GFile(output_graph, "wb") as f:  

Get the output nodes ,restore the model and then freeze the graph.

Step 2 Transform to coreml

                     input_name_shape_dict={'input_1:0': [1, 224, 224, 3]})

Step 3 Transform to onnx

 model_coreml = load_spec('D:/Project/ShuffleNet/ncnn/save1/mobilenetv1.mlmodel')
 model_onnx = convert_coreml(model_coreml, 7, name='ExampleModel')
 save_model(model_onnx, 'D:/Project/ShuffleNet/ncnn/save1/mobilenetv1.onnx')

Step 4 Transform to ncnn You must build the ncnn and then use the tool onnx2ncnn

onnx2ncnn.exe ../mobilenetv1.onnx ../mobilenetv1.param ../mobilenetv1.bin

Step 5 Run with ncnn

Load the model first;

ncnn::Net mobilenetv1;

Input the image We use image standardization method when we train.As a result,we must rewrite it with c plus plus.

cv::Mat mean_image, std_image;
cv::Mat image = cv::imread(img_path, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
cv::cvtColor(image, image, CV_BGR2RGB);
cv::resize(image, image, Size(224, 224));
cv::meanStdDev(image, mean_image, std_image);
float mean1, std1, stda;
mean1 = (mean_image.at<double>(0, 0) + mean_image.at<double>(1, 0) + mean_image.at<double>(2, 0)) / 3;
std1 = (std_image.at<double>(0, 0) + std_image.at<double>(1, 0) + std_image.at<double>(2, 0)) / 3;
stda = max(std1, (1.0 / sqrt(224 * 224 * 3)));

After get the mean and standard deviation, we rewrite the ncnn mat input method.

namespace ncnn {
	static Mat from_rgb(const unsigned char* rgb, int w, int h, float mean, float std, Allocator* allocator)
		Mat m(w, h, 3, 4u, allocator);
		if (m.empty())
			return m;

		float* ptr0 = m.channel(0);
		float* ptr1 = m.channel(1);
		float* ptr2 = m.channel(2);

		int size = w * h;
    for (; remain > 0; remain--)
			*ptr0 = (rgb[0]-mean)/std;
			*ptr1 = (rgb[1]-mean)/std;
			*ptr2 = (rgb[2]-mean)/std;

			rgb += 3;

		return m;

Finally,we can get the result.

ncnn::Mat in = ncnn::from_rgb(image.data, 224, 224, mean1, stda, 0);

ncnn::Extractor ex = mobilenetv1.create_extractor();
ex.input("input_1__0", in);

ncnn::Mat out;
ex.extract("sigmoid_out__0", out);
out = out.reshape(out.w * out.h * out.c);

for (int j = 0; j<out.w; j++)
	cls_scores[j] = out[j];


  • If you want to use MobileNetV2,please use relu instead of relu6.
  • Coreml doesn't support ShuffleNet.
  • You'd better use caffe instead of tensorflow if you want to use ncnn.

Model Compression

Quantization with tensorflow

You need to install bazel and build graph_transforms,then

bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms/transform_graph \
--in_graph=./mobilenetv1.pb \  
--out_graph=./mobilenetv1_int8.pb \  
--inputs=input_1 \  
--outputs=sigmoid_out \  

Surprisingly,the accuracy increase about 0.1%-0.2%.

Quantization with ncnn

The mobilenetv1_int8.pb can't transform to coreml,so we can only use ncnn.

ncnn2table There are some problems in Windows,so some changes have been made instead of command line work.

imagepath = "D:/trainimg1/";
parampath = "D:/project/ShuffleNet/ncnn/save1/mobilenetv1.param";
binpath = "D:/project/ShuffleNet/ncnn/save1/mobilenetv1.bin";
tablepath = "D:/project/ShuffleNet/ncnn/save1/mobilenetv1.table";

ncnn2int8 Then we build ncnn2int.exe and run

ncnn2int8.exe D:/project/ShuffleNet/ncnn/save1/mobilenetv1.param / 
D:/project/ShuffleNet/ncnn/save1/mobilenetv1.bin / 
D:/project/ShuffleNet/ncnn/save1/mobilenetv1_int8.param /
D:/project/ShuffleNet/ncnn/save1/mobilenetv1_int8.bin / 

Run with int8_model

ncnn::Net mobilenetv1;