
Website for the Statistics Undergraduate Student Association at Berkeley.


  1. Install Homebrew
  2. Type commands in Terminal


  1. Install WSL
  2. Type commands in Bash on Ubuntu on Windows


  1. Install python3
    • macOS: brew install python3
    • Windows/Linux: sudo apt-get install python3
  2. Install git
    • macOS: brew install git
    • Windows/Linux: sudo apt-get install git
  3. git clone to clone the repo
  4. pip install -r requirements.txt (or pip3 install -r requirements.txt) to install requirements
  5. git checkout -b my_name to create your own branch (replace my_name with your name)
  6. git pull origin master to bring in latest changes
  7. To run a local version of your website, type python runserver (or python3 runserver) into the folder that contains the file (should be the same one as the current folder)
  8. Visit the local URL in your browser (should look like
  9. If you are able to see the website, pat yourself on the back!

General Tips

  • You can check what branch you're on by typing git branch or git status
  • git branch will show you a list of all the branches that you can access


  1. Start local test environment: python runserver (or python3 runserver)
  2. Make changes, refresh test site
  3. If everything looks good:
    1. git add -A
    2. git commit -m 'Enter commit message here'
    3. git push origin BRANCH_NAME
  4. Then visit the repository on your browser, click on "Pull requests" at the top of the page, then click "New pull request". Keep the base-branch as master, but change the compare-branch to BRANCH_NAME. Then, click "Create pull request". Now wait for someone else to look through the edits to make sure nothing broke! Typos are a scary thing.


  • usa_website/ contains all relevant code.
  • HTML files are in usa_website/templates/usa_website/
  • Static files (images, css, etc) are in usa_website/static/usa_website

Useful References