SMILES corrector

Collection of scripts to create and use SMILES corrector. The SMILES corrector is a transformer model that is trained to translate invalid SMILES sequences to valid SMILES sequences.

Installation (with python v 3.9)

  1. RDKit (version >= 2020.03) $ conda install -c conda-forge rdkit

  2. Numpy (version >= 1.19) $ conda install numpy

  3. Scikit-Learn (version >= 0.23) $ conda install scikit-learn

  4. Pandas (version >= 1.2.2) $ conda install pandas

  5. PyTorch (version >= 1.7) $ conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch

  6. Matplotlib (version >= 2.0) $ conda install matplotlib

  7. TQMD $ pip install tqdm

  8. Torchtext $ pip install torchtext==0.11.2

  9. Modin $ pip install modin[ray]

  10. Chembl structure pipeline $ conda install -c conda-forge chembl_structure_pipeline

  11. Seaborn $ conda install seaborn

  12. tueplots $ pip install tueplots

  13. jupyer $ pip install jupyter


There are two main options for using the SMILES corrector; use a previously trained model (step 4) or train a new model.

The files for reuse can be found on:

To train a new model follow example in to perform the following steps

  1. Prepare the molecules that will be used for training standardize the molecules using standardize from (this for example removes salts & canonicalizes the SMILES) remove molecules with SMILES longer than a set threshold (this is necessary to reduce the number of model parameters)

  2. Introduce ‘artificial’ errors into training molecules, done in order to create invalid-valid pairs (for training & evaluating the model) indicate which type of error to introduce using invalid_type = (could for example be all errors (‘all’) or only syntax, ring, parentheses, valence, aromaticity, bond exists & random permutations) indicate how many errors to introduce per sequence using num_errors introduce the errors using get_invalid_smiles from the resulting invalid-valid pairs are saved as training and validation set (& optional test set) (are later used by torchtext dataloader)

  3. Train & evaluate model indicate where to find real-world error set using error source = (apart from training & evaluating the model on artificial invalid SMILES it will also be evaluated on actual invalid SMILES created by de novo generation) use model_training from to train the model (this function will initialize a transformer model and train, evaluate and save it) the transformer architecture is defined in if a trained model already exists the weights from the last epoch (modelname_last) are loaded & existing model is trained further evaluation is done using functions from performance & model are saved in Data/performance/

  4. Use model to correct invalid SMILES done using correct_SMILES from (best model is saved in Data/performance/[modelname].pkg (!= the modelname ending with _last)) for an example of how to use the SMILES corrector for exploration see


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