
Generalized Subword Segmentation for Neural Machine Translation

Primary LanguageC++

Generalized BPE Segmentation

This is a manual for the usage of c++ implementation of Generalized BPE Segmentation. The source code is contained in the file gbpe.cpp.


Run the command below to get an executable file gbpe:

g++ gbpe.cpp -o gbpe


gbpe -bpe input_file [input_format] [measure] [merge_times] output_file

input_file: tokenized plain text or vocabulary file according to the input_format parameter.

input_format: 0 for plain text input, 1 for vocabulary input with each line containing a word-frequency pair.

measure: 0 for frequency-weighted FRQ'-BPE, 1 for frequency-weighted AV'-BPE, 2 for frequency-weighted DLG'-BPE, 10 for unweighted FRQ-BPE, 11 for unweighted AV-BPE, 12 for unweighted DLG-BPE, 24, 34, ..., 104 for 0.1AV'-BPE + 0.9DLG'-BPE, 0.2AV'-BPE + 0.8DLG'-BPE, ..., 0.9AV'-BPE + 0.1DLG'-BPE.

merge_times: an integer for the number of merge operations.

output_file: the file to save the segmented words appearing in input_file.

Two additional file vocab.txt and vocab.substring.txt will be automatcially generated after running the command. vocab.txt contains the vocabulary of input_file, vocab.substring.txt contains the ordered merged pairs with their goodness score.


gbpe -bpeseg input_file vocab.substring.txt output_file

input_file: tokenized corpus to be segmented.

output_file: corpus segmented with @@ tokens.


All the input and output files should be encoded as UTF-8.