REVISED README [soepe - 14/12/2020] Please run the installation script as a root user: $ sudo ./ This will install either development or runtime dependencies After running that, the following things are missing: Setup of MySQL server (there is no remote) It has to be fairly default, using mysql_native_password Run the kasteRobotSqlScript.sql to setup the basic framework Create a user with CRUD privileges for the database Starting the ursim virtual machine To build the project: $ mkdir build $ cmake ../src $ make It should build successfully, creating a KasteRobot executable ######################################### ==== FOR SETTING UP THE MYSQL SERVER ==== ######################################### To set up the server for connections, in terminal: sudo mysql_secure_installation Don't use password validation Set a non-blank root password After this, in terminal: mysql -u root -p mysql> CREATE USER 'username'@'host' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password'; Replace the following: username with the wanted login username, host with localhost, password with actual password mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on *.* TO 'username'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; Replace username with the previously selected username and localhost with previously selected host mysql> ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password' Replace password with the root user password mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; Ensure that it's running on the default port mysql> SELECT @@port; It should be 3306. Quit after this. mysql> \q Try logging in to the server with the new user: mysql -u username -p Try opening the MySql Workbench. Remeber to add the key for the root user if not asked. ######################## ==== STARTING URSIM ==== ######################## to run URSim run in terminal: cd .. sudo ursim-3.X.X.XXXXX/ UR5 ######################################## ==== USING THE UML GENERATOR SCRIPT ==== ######################################## To run the script, enter the UML subfolder and run: ./