Official Pytorch implementation of "Glow in the Dark: Low-Light Image Enhancement with External Memory" published in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM).
Dongjie Ye, Zhangkai Ni,Wenhan Yang, Hanli Wang, Shiqi Wang, Sam Kwong
(Please refer EMNet_env.yml for our operational environment.
Be aware that EMNet_env.yml includes redundant libraries. Kindly install the relevant libraries according to your needs.)
- Checkpoint
Checkpoints trained on LOL-v1 and LOL-v2 dataset can be found from Google Drive or Baidu Netdisk (提取码:zhwy).
- Inference
- Unzip the checkpoint file and place all the files in the ./pre_trained_logs/enhancer/ and ./pre_trained_logs/memory/ directory.
- Edit the file to modify your python path and the [--input_dir] by specifying the path to your test datasets.
- Excute the test script below:
- The results are displayed in the './log_eval/lolv1' and './log_eval/lolv2' directories. In the '[ori]' folder, you can find the original outputs from the image enhancer, while in the '[mem]' folder, you can find the outputs after utilizing external memory.
- You may also replace our image enhancer with other existing methods if desired.
Beforer training the external memory, you need to train the image enhancer first.
- Edit the file to modify your python path and the [--train_dir], [--val_dir] by specifying the path to your training datasets.
- Excute the training script for image enhancer below:
- Find the trained image enhancer weight in the ./log/[env]/models/ folder.
Training the external memory requires a pre-trained image enhancer.
- Edit the file to modify your python path, the [--pretrain_weights] by specifying the path to your pretrained_weights of image enhancer, and the [--train_dir], [--val_dir] by specifying the path to your training datasets.
- Excute the training script for external memory below:
- Find the trained memory weight in the ./log/[env]/models/ folder.
- Edit the file to modify your python path, [--weights] by specifying the path to your image enhancer, [--mem_weights] by specifying the path to your external memory, and the [--input_dir] by specifying the path to your test datasets.
- Excute the test script below:
- The [input_dir] directory structure will be arranged as:
[your input dir]
|- high
|- 695.png (or alternative img formats)
|- ...
|- low
|- 695.png (or alternative img files)
|- ...
If this code is useful for your research, please cite our paper:
author={Ye, Dongjie and Ni, Zhangkai and Yang, Wenhan and Wang, Hanli and Wang, Shiqi and Kwong, Sam},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Multimedia},
title={Glow in the Dark: Low-Light Image Enhancement with External Memory},
Thanks for your attention! If you have any suggestion or question, feel free to leave a message here or contact Dongjie Ye (