
Collection of polygon data in various formats for testing computational geometry algorithms.

Primary LanguageProcessing


Collection of polygon data in various formats for testing computational geometry algorithms.

Supported by the Frank-Ratchye Studio for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University.

Polygons in this archive have following properties:

  • With or without holes
  • Non-degenerate (no self-intersection/overlaps, no zero-area parts)
  • Concave
  • Relatively small amount of vertices
  • Hand-traced from various papers on computational geometry algorithms, as well as from other sources (see below).


In all formats, outer contour is clockwise (y-axis points downwards) while holes are counter-clockwise.

The first contour is the outer contour, and the rest (if any) are holes.

  • JSON, 3D Array storing contours > vertices > x,y coordinates.
  • CSV, Each line is a contour, with flattened x,y coordinates separated by commas, e.g. x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,...
  • SVG, Single <path> tag encoding the outer contour and all holes. No styling or other redundency applied.
  • PNG, Rasterized binary images (white foreground, black background) in png format.
  • PLY, Since face elements requires triangulation in most softwares, the polygons are stored as edge's connecting adjacent vertices. z of vertices are always 0. y axis might look inverted in 3D softwares.
  • Hardcode, For programming languages/environments where parsing any of the above is inconvenient, hardcoded variables are available for copy-pasting into source code.


Following renderings are triangulated (and holes bridged) for easier viewing. The original data are not triangulated, and contain holes. Triangulation code is included in /tools folder.

eberly-10.json eberly-14.json elgindy-1.json gray-embroidery.json
held-1.json held-12.json held-3.json held-7a.json
held-7b.json held-7c.json held-7d.json mapbox-building.json
mapbox-dude.json matisse-alga.json matisse-blue.json matisse-icarus.json
matisse-nuit.json mei-2.json mei-3.json mei-4.json
mei-5.json mei-6.json meisters-3.json misc-discobolus.json
misc-fu.json seidel-3.json skimage-horse.json toussaint-1a.json


Basic info about each polygon are stored separately in the meta folder as JSON's. Metadata for a polygon looks something like this (re-formatted and commented for explanation):

{// meta/skimage-horse.json

  "centroid": [371.77, 390.94], // true polygon centroid (aka center of mass)
  "area":     180144,           // area of polygon
  "bounds":   [24,111,784,732], // left,top,right,bottom

  // minimum bounding box and circle
  "rotatedBoundingBox":{"center": [422.99, 480.58], "size": [809.30, 563.60], "angle":-15.34},
  "boundingCircle":    {"center": [408,416.5],"radius": 435.96},

  // convex hull encoded with vertex indices of the outermost contour
  "hull": [1,3,7,27,28,72,73,75,97,100,101,102,105,106,107] 

Visualization of the metadata are stored in the meta/render folder. For example:


File prefix Source Note
eberly-* David Eberly, "Triangulation by Ear Clipping"
elgindy-* ElGindy, H., Everett, H., & Toussaint, G., "Slicing an ear using prune-and-search"
gray-* Theodore Gray, "Embroidered Animation! Finally!"
held-* Martin Held, "FIST: Fast Industrial-Strength Triangulation of Polygons"
mapbox-* Mapbox, "Earcut: The fastest and smallest JavaScript polygon triangulation library"
matisse-* Paper cut-outs by Henri Matisse
mei-* Gang Mei, John C.Tipper & Nengxiong Xu, "Ear-clipping Based Algorithms of Generating High-quality Polygon Triangulation"
meisters-* Meisters, G. H., "Polygons have ears"
seidel-* Seidel, R., "A simple and fast incremental randomized algorithm for computing trapezoidal decompositions and for triangulating polygons"
skimage-* scikit-image: Image processing in Python
toussaint-* Toussaint, G. T., "Efficient triangulation of simple polygons"

Supported by the Frank-Ratchye Studio for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon University.