
Procedurally generated paintings of nonexistent flowers.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Procedurally generated paintings of nonexistent flowers in Gongbi style for the browser. Generate your own online at https://lingdong-.github.io/nonflowers/.

Sample Output



Nonflowers is a piece of software that procedurally generate drawings of nonexistent flowers. It attempts to capture the fascinating structures of plants and the delicate brushstrokes in Gongbi paintings with mathematical functions and procedural noises. Through parameterization and randomization, the algorithm is capable of generating a large variety of original plants. It is written in Javascript and uses HTML canvas to render its output. All the graphics are computed with polygons or using pixel-level manipulations, thus no preexisting asset or external library is used.

A full description of the project can be found here.