
screenshot-driven version tracking

Primary LanguageJavaScript


-- screenshot-driven version tracking


do you work with graphics? do you often find that an earlier version of your sketch looked more appealing? but then there's no way to go back because you made too many changes since? you didn't think you need a version control but now regret it? do you like taking screenshots?

then maybe srcsnap is a tool for you.

every time you take a screenshot of your project, srcsnap takes a snapshot of all your code too, and associate it with the screenshot. it organizes your screenshots in a nice list in the menubar: your code can "time travel" back to the very moment when you took each of the screenshots.

internally srcsnap keeps a git repo and leverages the power of git to manage the versions. but you don't need to worry about it. you just take screenshots and click on them.

more details and instructions on the project website.