REFx is a server engine for controlling AppleScript or JSFL enabled apps on Mac OS X. WebApp's can communicate with REFx via XMLRPC to process jobs.

Primary LanguageC


REFx is a webservice manager running on Mac OS X. Services are implemented as plugable bundles. REFx is facilitates the communication with the website and has a smart queque manager. A request does not have to return instantly but the results can be retrieved later when the job has finished. Web applications can communicate using XMLRPC to inject jobs. A JSON API will soon be added.

REFx is developed as a server component for the PAS3 Front End. Currently REFx works perfectly with the PAS3 extensions available for TYPO3, but it could work with any web application.

  • XMLRPC interface
  • Job scheduler with priorities
  • Extendable with plugins
  • Open plugin architecture using Ruby/AppScript/Mac Bundles
  • Native Cocoa Interface




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REFx is part of the PAS3 Project. The frontend PAS3 is developed un top of TYPO3.

PAS3 is an online print production engine that helps users create high-quality, individual print advertisements, brochures, forms, pricelists and even webpages within a fixed format.

http://www.pas3.org http://www.pas3.com