
Scrapes a given Facebook user's feed for messages, tags, likes, and datetimes of submissions.

Primary LanguagePython

README for Feed Scraper
Nihar Madhavan

These are the Python scripts used in the "" project at http://www.princeton.edu/~madhavan/TAandTCAnalysis/.

They can be used to analyze any facebook feed you have access to! (be sure to get a Facebook access code from https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/)


Scrape Data
Run "feed_scraper.py" 
--- Update the variables in the first section
--- Scrapes messages, likes, datetime submission, and tagged users from a given Facebook url, with a given Facebook access code.
--- Outputs tags and top words to .csv files. 
--- Outputs dates to .txt file which can be read with date_counter.py. 
--- Message text is saved in a variable 'text'. Prints number of likes.

Count Posts by Date
- Run "date_counter.py"
--- Takes in a .txt file with a list of datetimes.
--- Outputs a .csv file with the frequency by date.