Installation • Motivation • Structure • Example Apps • Improvements • Credits • License • Issues
Aphrodite is a lightweight, generic and reactive network layer that is built on top of Combine
and NSURLSession
. Usage avoids repetitive code and enables advanced features like entity- and domain model separation when communicating with REST APIs.
- Structures endpoints in a consistent way
- Facilitates entity- and domain model separation
- Integrates automatic JSON De-/Encoding
- Supports network plugins with target scopes
- Offers a rich set of plain-, data-, model- and mappedModel- requests
- Easily integrates with your iOS, macOS, or tvOS apps
Installation via SwiftPM is supported.
Managing network requests in an app is complex and quickly results into cluttered code that is highly repetitive. In addition, data that is provided by the network layer, i.e., entities, often require additional processing before they are suitable for the application's domain. When no distinction is made, developers tend to rely on in-line data conversions that clutter the code and make it less readable. Aphrodite mitigates these issues by providing a rich set of generic requests that encapsulate the repetitive behavior and allow a clear distinction between the data representation that is sent over the network, i.e., entities, as well as the representation that is used in the application's domain, i.e., domain models. Aphrodite is inspired by Moya (Link) and Alamofire (Link) and uses Apple's own URL Loading System (NSURLRequest
) as well as Combine
Aphrodite consists of the following components:
Aphrodite Client
The AphroditeClient
acts as the main interface to the library. All network calls are made using the client. During instantiation, the domain error factory as well as target-specific network plugins are defined. The later are executed for each request matching the plugin's predefined target-scope.
let client: AphroditeClient<DomainErrorFactory> = .init(plugins: [])
AphroditeDomainErrorFactory (Protocol)
When instantiating an AphroditeClient
a dedicated domain error factory is required. The factory is used to map errors of type AphroditeError
to context- and domain-specific errors. Applications specify their own factory by conforming to the AphroditeDomainErrorFactory
enum DomainErrorFactory: AphroditeDomainErrorFactory {
static func make(from error: AphroditeError) -> DomainError {
The following errors are supported by Aphrodite:
public enum AphroditeError: Error {
case unauthorized(HTTPURLResponse, Data)
case forbidden(HTTPURLResponse, Data)
case notFound(HTTPURLResponse, Data)
case client(HTTPURLResponse, Data, StatusCode)
case server(HTTPURLResponse, Data, StatusCode)
case decoding(HTTPURLResponse, Data, DecodingError)
case encoding(EncodingError)
case underlying(HTTPURLResponse, Data, Error)
case serviceCancelled
case notConnectedToInternet
case unexpected
By defining a domain-specific factory, apps decide whether they need more fine-grained control, or whether errors are treated in a similar way. For instance, an app may decide to treat an underlying
error similarly to an unexpected
error. You can find an example for a domain-specific factory in the Example App in the section below.
Network Target
Aphrodite organizes endpoints in targets, similar to Moya (Link). Network targets are defined by conforming to the NetworkTarget
public protocol NetworkTarget {
var baseUrl: String { get }
var scope: [NetworkPluginTargetScope] { get }
var requestTimeoutInterval: TimeInterval { get }
var path: String { get }
var method: HttpMethod { get }
var requestType: HttpRequestType { get }
var headers: [HttpHeaderField: String] { get }
While the combination of path
and baseUrl
forms the URL of the endpoint, the scope
defines the set of network plugins that are applied to the target. In contrast, requestTimeoutInterval
defines the maximum duration, the client should wait for a response. In addition, by specifying the requestType
the application can decide whether custom data needs to be attached to the request. This way, the application can decide whether the data should be attached as parameter or as encoded data within the requests body. Finally, the method
corresponds to the Http method that is used with the request, i.e., whether GET
... is applied.
Subsequently, an example target named UserManagement
is given:
enum UserManagement: NetworkTarget {
case fetchUser(userId: Int)
case fetchAvatarImageData(userId: Int)
case acceptAgreement
var baseUrl: String {
return ""
var requestTimeoutInterval: TimeInterval {
return 10
var path: String {
switch self {
case let .fetchUser(userId):
return ""
case let .fetchAvatarImageData(userId):
return "\(userId)/avatar"
case .acceptAgreement:
return "accept"
var method: HttpMethod {
switch self {
case .fetchUser, .fetchAvatarImageData, .acceptAgreement:
return .get
var requestType: HttpRequestType {
switch self {
case .fetchUser, .fetchAvatarImageData, .acceptAgreement:
return .plainRequest
Generic Network Requests
Since network communication is flaky, dedicated error handling is required. In addition, response data needs to be decoded before it can be used within the application domain. Aphrodite simplifies these tasks by offering a rich set of requests featuring unified error handling as well as automatic data de-/encoding. Note that the following examples are based on the UserManagement
target as mentioned above.
Plain Request
First, Plain Requests are the simplest type of request. They do not expect data in the response and hence only act as "trigger" to communicate events over the network. For instance, plain requests are well suited to signal a user's acceptance to an agreement to a remote server. Since requests in Aphrodite are based on Combine
, you can subscribe to the publisher to get notified when the request succeeded or failed.
receiveCompletion: { completion in
switch completion {
case let .failure(error):
// Network call failed
case .finished:
// Network call finished
receiveValue: {
// Network call succeeded
.store(in: &cancellables)
Data Request
Second, Data Requests are appropriate when access to the raw data of the response is required. As an example, the image data for the user associated with user ID 42
is retrieved using the following request:
.requestData(UserManagement.fetchAvatarImageData(userId: 42))
receiveCompletion: { completion in
switch completion {
case let .failure(error):
// Network call failed
case .finished:
// Network call finished
receiveValue: { data in
// Network call succeeded
.store(in: &cancellables)
Model Request
Rather then passing the raw data to the domain, Model Requests try to decode the underlying data into the type specified by the receiveValue
closure in the application's domain. Aphrodite handles the decoding automatically and throws a decoding error if the decoding failed. For instance, consider the following data structure:
struct User {
let id: Int
let name: String
If the response data matches the string representation of a User
encoded in JSON, the framework will automatically instantiate a User
and provide it to the domain via the receiveValue
.requestModel(UserManagement.fetchUser(userId: 42))
receiveCompletion: { completion in
switch completion {
case let .failure(error):
// Network call failed
case .finished:
// Network call finished
receiveValue: { (user: User) in
// Network call succeeded
.store(in: &cancellables)
Mapped-Model Request
Finally, Mapped-Model Requests facilitate entity- and domain-model separation. To illustrate this distinction, please consider the following example:
struct BuildingEntity {
let name: String
let latitude: Float
let longitutde: Float
struct Building {
let name: String
let location: CLLocationCoordinate2D
While BuildingEntity
represents the data structure that is received from the network, Building
represents the model that is used within the application domain. Notice that Building
defines it's location as CLLocationCoordinate2D
. The later is offered by the CoreLocation
framework and is frequently used to represent coordinates within the two-dimensional space. The mapping between both types is established through the BuildingModelMapper
who's single responsibility is to match a given entity into the corresponding domain representation. Note that this approach also works the other way around, i.e., when sending domain data to a remote sever.
enum BuildingModelMapper {
static func makeModel(from entity: BuildingEntity) -> Building {
return .init(
location: .init(
latitude: entity.latitude,
longitude: entity.longitude
Aphrodite handles the mapping internally and only requires the mapping function as argument. The resulting Mapped-Model Request is stated below:
.requestMappedModel(RealEstateManagement.building(name: "Empire State Building"), mapper:
receiveCompletion: { completion in
switch completion {
case let .failure(error):
// Network call failed
case .finished:
// Network call finished
receiveValue: { (building: Building) in
// Network call succeeded
.store(in: &cancellables)
Sending Data over the network
In addition to data retrieval, Aphrodite supports multiple ways to attach data to network requests. While data can be sent as raw data without modification, it can also be attached as request parameters. The later requires a dedicated parameter encoding that is used to encode data before it is sent over the network. Inspired by Alamofire (Link), Aphrodite offers the URLParameterEncoding
as well as the JSONParameterEncoding
. In addition, applications can specify their own encoding by conforming to the ParameterEncoding
public protocol ParameterEncoding {
func encode(_ urlRequest: URLRequest, with parameters: [String: Any]?) throws -> URLRequest
Finally, to facilitate the clear distinction between entity- and domain models, data can also be attached as entity- or domain-model directly. The later requires a mapper function that transforms a given entity into the corresponding domain model. Subsequently, examples for the different data attachment options are stated:
struct PrivacyAgreementParameterEntity: Codable {
let timestamp: Date
let isNewsletterAllowed: Bool
let isTrackingAllowed: Bool
enum UserManagement: NetworkTarget {
case acceptAgreement
case uploadImage(Data)
case updatePrivacyAgreement(PrivacyAgreementEntity)
case createProfile(profileName: String)
case register(UserInfo)
var task: HttpTask {
switch self {
// Plain Request
case .acceptAgreement:
return .plainRequest
// Data Request
case let .uploadImage(data):
return .uploadImage(data)
// Parameter Request
case let .createProfile(profileName):
return .requestWithParameters(
parameters: ["profileName": "\(profileName)"],
encoding: JSONParameterEncoding()
// Data Request made from given entity
case let .updatePrivacyAgreement(entity):
return .requestWithData(from: entity)
// Data Request made from given model and mapper
case let .register(userInfo):
return .requestWithData(from: userInfo, mapper:
Network Plugins
Network Plugins provide the opportunity to modify requests before they are being sent over the network. In addition, applications can get notified whenever a response is received. This is useful when including additional information, e.g. bearer tokens in the request's headers or when extracting information from a response that is received. While Aphrodite also comes with built-in plugins like the NetworkLoggerPlugin
, custom plugins are created by conforming to the NetworkPlugin
public protocol NetworkPlugin {
var targetScope: NetworkPluginTargetScope { get }
func prepare(_ request: URLRequest, target: NetworkTarget) -> AnyPublisher<URLRequest, Never>
func willSend(_ request: URLRequest, target: NetworkTarget)
func didReceive(_ result: Result<NetworkResponse, AphroditeError>, target: NetworkTarget)
All methods are optional, i.e., plugins that are only used for information extraction do not have to deal with request preparation. Still, plugins may also take care of both. The NetworkPluginTargetScope
specifies the set of targets, plugins are applied to. This is especially useful when dealing with multiple backends, i.e., one could define a target scope for each backend and use separate authentication plugins respectively. Plugins that apply to all targets feature an .universal
target scope. Note that the list of NetworkPlugins
used by the Aphrodite
are specified during the client's initialization.
Applications using Aphrodite
- Licenses: A native macOS App built using Swift UI and Combine.
The following issues/enhancements can be addressed in future revisions:
- Write Example App section
- Include unit tests to guarantee test coverage
- Extend documentation
The design of this library was inspired by Moya (Link) and Alamofire (Link).
This library is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.