MQTT Integration Test Environment

Required Software

Starting the MQTT Broker

Simply start the docker-compose file:

docker-compose up -d

Default MQTT Credentials

This repo is set up with default credentials, which should never be used outside a local environment. For individual authentication methods, please visit:

The docker-compose utilizes the config/passwds file for authentication.

To allow completely open access to the server, the # allow_anonymous true line can be uncommented from the config/mosquitto.conf file. However, the default credentials can also be referenced from the .env file in the repo.

Simulate MQTT Events

Install Requirements

Option 1: PIP

It is highly recommended to create a virtual environment to isolate different python environments. This can be accomplished with python3 -m venv venv

More info on how to activate the environment can be found here:

With the virtual environment activated, the requirements can be installed with pip install -r requirements.txt

Option 2: PipEnv

PipEnv will automatically create and manage a virtual environment for you.

Installation can be accomplished with the following lines:

pip install --user pipenv
pipenv install

Application Usage

The help information can be access with the -h or --help flags:

➜ python3 -h                                                                                                                                      06/13/22 -  2:26 PM
Loading .env environment variables...
usage: [-h] [--msg_delay MSG_DELAY] json_data_filename

Publish MQTT Events to MQTT Broker

positional arguments:
  json_data_filename    file name of the json file containing data to publish

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --msg_delay MSG_DELAY
                        The amount of delay between messages (default: 0)

The json_data file should be in a format consistent with the MQTT History API.

Working Example

There is an example dataset to test with in the repository:

python3 test_data.json --msg_delay 1