
Template project for projects at TE4

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Template project for projects at TE4

Replace this with a description for the project. Remember to update the above template badge.

Project management setup

  • Use projects tab for adding kanban boards for issue tracking and bug triage board.
  • Use issues and labels for assigning points to tasks and categorizing tasks.

Code review

Code review is the process that happens after a new pull request is created and before the changes are merged to develop. It's a powerful tool for knowledge transfer. Use the following guidelines as a reference: https://github.com/thoughtbot/guides/tree/master/code-review


Self-documenting code is something to aim for. Types are the simplest and best documentation, improve legibility due to their well-defined meaning, and are checked at compile time1. For more high-level documentation about application code, one can choose to use tools such as JSDoc or docsify.js. Use the gh-pages to provide this documentation for other developers and users: https://itggot-te4.github.io/TE4/


Every developer has heard of how useful tests are but to actually think in a TDD manner is something entirely different. Consider the different types of tests: https://blog.cleancoder.com/uncle-bob/2017/05/05/TestDefinitions.html

Continious integration

Every commit that is pushed to the remote should be free of syntax errors and should still pass the "build" phase + basic tests. To reinforce testing into an application a CI pipeline is put in place to check every commit and even update reports for code coverage or automatic merging of code. Github actions is one of the simplest solutions to this. Update the .github/workflows yaml files for the project specific configuration.

Code quality

There are several tools that can be integrated into the CI pipeline. One of those tools can be used to monitor code quality. Code climate is a free application which has support for finding duplicated code and can be setup to reinfore a certain codestyle.

Another tool that can be used in the CI pipeline is Semmle QL / LGTM for automatic security checks on new pull requests.


Refactoring is the process of improving the design of existing code without altering its external behavior. It's a critical step in the process, but often overlooked 2. This should be part of a strong code review culture on any serious project.

Git flow

1: ioscpp guidelines.
2: https://thoughtbot.com/playbook/developing/refactoring