
cli overlap command fails

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When trying to run the cli command overlap, I keep getting an error saying that I have not supplied a GWAS argument when it is supplied.

(camoco) jmichno@helix15[~/MeeshCM/CamocoHelixInstall/test/PerGeneLocality]:camoco --debug overlap ZmRoot ZmAll locality --terms all --num-bootstraps 100 --snp2gene strongest --strongest-attr numIterations --strongest-higher --candidate-window-size 50000 --candidate-flank-limit 1 --out ZmRoot_Loc.csv 
[LOG] Fri May 19 15:30:28 2017 - A baaaad thing happened.

__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'gwas'
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/project/chadm/Meesh/CamocoHelixInstall/Camoco/camoco/cli/camoco in <module>()
      4 __import__('pkg_resources').require('camoco==0.3.1.dev0')
      5 __file__ = '/project/chadm/Meesh/CamocoHelixInstall/Camoco/camoco/cli/camoco'
----> 6 exec(compile(open(__file__).read(), __file__, 'exec'))
        global os = <module 'os' from '/project/chadm/Meesh/CamocoHelixInstall/conda/envs/camoco/lib/python3.6/'>

/project/chadm/Meesh/CamocoHelixInstall/Camoco/camoco/cli/camoco in <module>()
   1102         log.warn("A baaaad thing happened.\n\n" + str(e))
   1103         if args.debug:
-> 1104             raise e
        global e = undefined
   1105         else:
   1106             sys.exit(1)

/project/chadm/Meesh/CamocoHelixInstall/Camoco/camoco/cli/camoco in <module>()
   1094     # Execute the command
   1095     try:
-> 1096         return_value = args.func(args)
        global return_value = undefined
        global args.func = <bound method Overlap.from_CLI of <class 'camoco.Overlap.Overlap'>>
        global args = Namespace(candidate_flank_limit=1, candidate_window_size=50000, cob='ZmRoot', debug=True, dry_run=False, force=False, func=<bound method Overlap.from_CLI of <class 'camoco.Overlap.Overlap'>>, gwas='ZmAll', interactive=False, method='locality', num_bootstraps='100', out='ZmRoot_Loc.csv', skip_terms=[], snp2gene='strongest', strongest_attr='numIterations', strongest_higher=False, terms=['all'])
   1097     except AttributeError as e:
   1098         if args.debug:

/project/chadm/Meesh/CamocoHelixInstall/Camoco/camoco/ in from_CLI(cls=<class 'camoco.Overlap.Overlap'>, args=Namespace(candidate_flank_limit=1, candidate_win...erations', strongest_higher=False, terms=['all']))
    502             Analysis
    503         '''
--> 504         self = cls()
        global self = undefined
        cls = <class 'camoco.Overlap.Overlap'>
    505         # Build base camoco objects
    506         self.args = args

TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'gwas'
> /project/chadm/Meesh/CamocoHelixInstall/Camoco/camoco/
    502             Analysis
    503         '''
--> 504         self = cls()
    505         # Build base camoco objects
    506         self.args = args


Just showing that the GWAS object exists

In [1]: co.available_datasets()
                                     Name                                        Description           Date Added
Camoco                             Camoco                                        Camoco base  2017-05-16 20:10:26
Expr                               ZmRoot                             Rob Maize Root Network  2017-05-16 20:15:17
Expr                             ZmRootPA                             Rob Maize Root Network  2017-05-17 19:04:25
Expr                  ZmRNASeqTissueAtlas  Maize RNASeq Tissue Atlas Network, Sekhon 2013...  2017-05-17 19:40:57
Expr                      ZmRootPA_Filter                             Rob Maize Root Network  2017-05-18 16:04:41
Expr              ZmRootPA_Filter_No_Zero                             Rob Maize Root Network  2017-05-18 16:11:15
Expr                            ZmSubRoot                 Maize SubRoot Network Root Metrics  2017-05-18 18:34:29
Expr                             ZmSubPan                  Maize SubPan Network Root Metrics  2017-05-18 18:41:12
Expr                         ZmSubPanPlus              Maize SubPanPlus Network Root Metrics  2017-05-18 18:47:00
Expr                       ZmSubPan46Bias            Maize SubPan46Bias Network Root Metrics  2017-05-18 18:52:55
Expr                                ZmPAN                         ZmPAN Network Root Metrics  2017-05-18 18:59:20
GOnt                               TestGO                                            Test GO  2017-05-17 19:41:37
GOnt                                 ZmGO                                Maize Gene Ontology  2017-05-17 19:41:39
GWAS                             testGWAS                                  Test GWAS Dataset  2017-05-17 19:42:46
GWAS                                ZmAll                                 Baxter_Maize Data.  2017-05-17 20:28:06
Ontology                        ZmRootMCL                                ZmRoot MCL Clusters  2017-05-16 20:21:50
Ontology                      ZmRootPAMCL                              ZmRootPA MCL Clusters  2017-05-17 19:14:58
Ontology           ZmRNASeqTissueAtlasMCL                   ZmRNASeqTissueAtlas MCL Clusters  2017-05-17 19:41:22
Ontology               ZmRootPA_FilterMCL                       ZmRootPA_Filter MCL Clusters  2017-05-18 16:09:30
Ontology       ZmRootPA_Filter_No_ZeroMCL               ZmRootPA_Filter_No_Zero MCL Clusters  2017-05-18 16:15:59
Ontology                     ZmSubRootMCL                             ZmSubRoot MCL Clusters  2017-05-18 18:41:11
Ontology                      ZmSubPanMCL                              ZmSubPan MCL Clusters  2017-05-18 18:46:59
Ontology                  ZmSubPanPlusMCL                          ZmSubPanPlus MCL Clusters  2017-05-18 18:52:53
Ontology                ZmSubPan46BiasMCL                        ZmSubPan46Bias MCL Clusters  2017-05-18 18:59:14
Ontology                         ZmPANMCL                                 ZmPAN MCL Clusters  2017-05-18 19:14:38
RefGen                         Gmax_a2_V1                                Gmax_275_Wm82.a2.v1  2017-05-16 20:10:30
RefGen                             Mt_4.0                                             Mt_4.0  2017-05-16 20:12:03
RefGen                     FilteredZmRoot                                    Filtered Refgen  2017-05-16 20:15:39
RefGen                   FilteredZmRootPA                                    Filtered Refgen  2017-05-17 19:04:49
RefGen        FilteredZmRNASeqTissueAtlas                                    Filtered Refgen  2017-05-17 19:41:17
RefGen                            Zm5bFGS                         Maize 5b Filtered Gene Set  2017-05-17 19:42:47
RefGen            FilteredZmRootPA_Filter                                    Filtered Refgen  2017-05-18 16:05:05
RefGen    FilteredZmRootPA_Filter_No_Zero                                    Filtered Refgen  2017-05-18 16:11:35
RefGen                  FilteredZmSubRoot                                    Filtered Refgen  2017-05-18 18:34:52
RefGen                   FilteredZmSubPan                                    Filtered Refgen  2017-05-18 18:41:33
RefGen               FilteredZmSubPanPlus                                    Filtered Refgen  2017-05-18 18:47:24
RefGen             FilteredZmSubPan46Bias                                    Filtered Refgen  2017-05-18 18:53:19
RefGen                      FilteredZmPAN                                    Filtered Refgen  2017-05-18 19:00:46
RefGen                               Bd21                              BdistachyonBd21-3v1.1  2017-05-19 19:39:05
RefGen                              Wheat                      Triticum_aestivum_CS42_TGACv1  2017-05-19 19:48:18
