
install ERROR

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Dear Rob,I meet a trouble when I try to install camoco on supercomputer(x86_64架构的64位CentOS 6.6 Linux) .My insatll commend line is :python3.6 -m pip install camoco,and it installed successfully . But when I run camoco ,it shows "apsw.IOError: IOError: disk I/O error" .It seems camoco doesn't work with networked file systems ,because it works well in the local hard disk only the administrator have root privilege .Is there any solution to this? Thanks very much!

Hi @congzhouczcz
Thank you for the feedback, sorry that the installation didn't work. Camoco has some limitations on networked file systems due to its heavy use of SQLite (See more here). The error you are getting is coming from an external library that is used to make the database queries (apsw).

All of the databases and persistent files are by default stored in your home directory (under ~/.camoco) which could be another issue if it were installed system wide so that is not recommended. I've had some success in the past getting camoco to run on networked file systems by linking the ~/.camoco directory to a scratch space on the local machine, but this may not be possible if you are not able to choose which machine/node you get allocated from the supercomputer. Are you able to log into specific nodes or machines in your supercomputer setup?

Hi @congzhouczcz, does this information help at all? Is this issue resolved?

I'm sorry,I forgot to tell you that your methods works,and I installed it successfully by installing it at a node and sbatch mybash to this node.

Great to hear! Feel free to share your experiences, I'd love the feedback.