
Using FastText to detect sponsorship segments in youtube videos.

Primary LanguagePython


A FastText prototype for sponsoff


Python 3

Libraries installable through pip:


Installing FastText

Direct link to official guide: https://github.com/facebookresearch/fastText/tree/master/python

Excerpt from guide:

Using Pip.

$ git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/fastText.git
$ cd fastText
$ pip install .

How to use

All files have constants at the top in UPPER_SNAKE_CASE. File pointers and parameters should easily be modifiable from there.

A quick walkthrough

Make sure data.csv is placed in /data. Data is in format: text, sentiment (0 is sponsored content, 1 is not) The dataset included is from: https://github.com/Sponsoff/sponsorship_remover

1. preprocessData.py

data.csv takes the .csv values and splits them into Test/Train files. The Test/Train ratio can be set by TEST_TRAIN_RATIO

>python .\preprocessData.py
>Processed 1343 rows: 403 test and 940 train.

2. train.py

train.py is used to build the model. With HYPERPARAM_SEARCH set to false, it will train 1 model with the given parameters. With HYPERPARAM_SEARCH set to true it will iterate through hyperparamters defined by the constants. The best model will be saved.

> python  .\train.py
>Begin Hyperparamter Search with 1000 epochserML\fastTextProd.1
>Training Model with 0.1 learning rate and 1 ngrams

3. evaluateVideo.py

evaluate.py is designed to be run from command line easily. It has 3 parameters

--i [id]-> youtube video id (example msjuRoZ0Vu8)
--v -> add this to see verbose output of every evaluation
--p -> add this to see performance. displays performance of loading and run time 
> python .\evaluateVideo.py --i msjuRoZ0Vu8 --p
>[{'start': '0:00:00', 'end': '0:00:14'}, {'start': '0:11:37', 'end': '0:11:48'}, {'start': '0:11:48', 'end': '0:11:58'}, {'start': '0:12:20', 'end': '0:12:33'}]
>Total Time: 0.03399538993835449 (s)
>Model Load Time: 0.031005859375 (s)
>Model Run Time: 0.002989530563354492 (s)