- 0
Create results iframe
#299 opened by pete-the-pete - 0
Broken markdown in Readme
#366 opened by ftlno - 0
console.log breaks in IE9
#315 opened by john-bernardo1 - 17
Unable to run test suite using PhantomJS on Mac OS X
#309 opened by roelrz - 2
Venus inconsistently displays errors in Phantom
#341 opened by whastings - 3
[Request] Add way to make API calls to Phantom
#345 opened by whastings - 0
`npm install` fails on node v0.12
#356 opened by sethmcl - 2 is down
#346 opened by mrzmyr - 6
- 1
Code Coverage Occasionally Reporting 110%
#340 opened by derekbrown - 1
Explore idea of data proxy feature
#339 opened by sethmcl - 2
Full coverage reports
#317 opened by sethmcl - 2
Running a unit test with code coverage enabled does not generate data in coverage.csv
#333 opened by roelrz - 2
JUnitReporter doesn't output "total" tests
#335 opened by benvinegar - 7
Put console log inside test output
#208 opened by tarsisazevedo - 7
Add support for a @venus-execute annotation
#297 opened by brikis98 - 0
@venus-resource doesn't work properly
#331 opened by rbakr - 0
Release next minor version of venus.js
#321 opened by narqo - 0
- 1
Call stack difficult to read
#311 opened by AsLogd - 0
Red favicon when tests fail
#308 opened by smfoote - 0
- 1
Grunt Plugin
#204 opened by asakusuma - 0
Copy directories with @venus-resource annotation
#295 opened by roelrz - 0
Use wildcards with @venus-resource annotation
#303 opened by roelrz - 0
"run" command no longer works for PhantomJS
#290 opened by roelrz - 0
Create custom paths with @venus-resource annotation
#296 opened by roelrz - 0
- 4
Venus Forces Non-Secure Protocol on Hostname
#291 opened by derekbrown - 0
Phantom does not clear localStorage between test runs
#289 opened by smfoote - 3
`@` symbol causes parsing issue
#286 opened by eoneill - 3
- 0
./ isn't working
#242 opened by apmadhani - 0
- 0
Default doesn't work in firefox
#245 opened by apmadhani - 0
Clean up "phantom" phantomjs processes
#267 opened by sethmcl - 2
Naming the tests
#264 opened by apmadhani - 2
Create TAP Reporter
#259 opened by sethmcl - 0
Different output browser/console
#269 opened by tarsisazevedo - 8
Test results not printing properly
#250 opened by soonick - 1
- 4
Interactive Browser Runner Enhancements
#213 opened by jakobo - 1
Testing styles in latest Firefox
#244 opened by smfoote - 1
Cannot find way to run all tests in a directory without clicking on each link in the served page
#247 opened by ryan-blunden - 1
Allow users to disable HTML fixture resets
#205 opened by rbakr - 4
Npm install is not working
#235 opened by apmadhani - 3
sinon.js mock xhr does not work on ie7/8
#206 opened by sethmcl - 0
- 1
- 0
console.log breaks all version of IE
#203 opened by smfoote