
Visual Studio: Advanced Debugging Tools


Visual Studio - Advanced Debugging

This is the repository for the LinkedIn Learning Visual Studio - Advanced Debugging course. The full course is available from LinkedIn Learning.

Are you using all the debug tools?

Want to get more out of your Visual Studio debugging sessions? In this course, take a look at several powerful tools and features that can help you pinpoint problems in your application code. Instructor Walt Ritscher details how to leverage IntelliTrace, which captures and archives debugging sessions, allowing you to replay and analyze those sessions later to find elusive bugs. Walt also covers the Diagnostics window, which provides an interactive view of application performance metrics; how code maps help you visualize the relationships between .NET types and type members; how to analyze memory usage with the Diagnostics Tools window; and how to debug multithreaded code. Plus, get several helpful debugging tips, including how to use the new function breakpoint feature to have Visual Studio autogenerate breakpoints for a specified function during a debugging session. .

This course

This course looks at the intermediate and advanced debugging concepts. The courses uses Visual Studio 2019 and has course examples available in Console and Windows desktop formats.


The branches are structured to correspond to the videos in the course. The naming convention is chapter#-video#. As an example, the branch named 02-03 corresponds to the second chapter and the third video in that chapter. Some branches will have a beginning state (04-01) and an end state (04-01e). The end state videos use e for "end" and contains the code as it is at the end of the video. The master branch holds the initial state of the course and is not used for exercises during the course.


To use these exercise files, follow the instructions in the course to learn how to work with GitHub content. For this course the instructor uses Visual Studio 2019. You need Visual Studio Ultimate or Visual Studio Enterprise editions to follow along with the IntelliTrace examples.

Visual Studio - Advanced Debugging

About our .NET courses

When you are ready to learn more about .NET or Visual Studio, LinkedIn Learning has what you need.

About the Instructor - Walt Ritscher

Check out my other courses on LinkedIn Learning. Follow me on LinkedIn and Twitter.