
darksky-forecast-api is a Java library to access the darksky.net weather API

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


  • darksky-forecast-api is a Java library to access the darksky.net weather API
  • No dependencies for the the base library
  • You can pipe the response to the JSON framework of choice or use it directly as String, Stream or byte[] (e.g. poxying)
  • For Jackson users there is darksky-forecast-api-jackson to get the Forecast parsed as Java beans. This library includes the base library as dependency.
  • deployed to Maven Central
  • Javadoc available: https://200puls.github.io/darksky-forecast-api/
  • Full Java 9 module support (2.0.2 use 1.3.1 for java 8 sources)

Example usage for base library:

    ForecastRequest request = new ForecastRequestBuilder()
        .key(new APIKey("your-private-key"))
        .location(new GeoCoordinates(new Longitude(13.377704), new Latitude(52.516275))).build();

    DarkSkyClient client = new DarkSkyClient();
    String forecast = client.forecastJsonString(request);

The response can be returned as byte[], String or InputStream. Useful if you want to proxy the API or only save the result.

The API also supports time machine requests and other API parameters:

    ForecastRequest request = new ForecastRequestBuilder()
        .key(new APIKey("your-private-key"))
        .time(Instant.now().minus(5, ChronoUnit.DAYS))
        .location(new GeoCoordinates(new Longitude(13.377704), new Latitude(52.516275))).build();

    DarkSkyClient client = new DarkSkyClient();
    String forecast = client.forecastJsonString(request);

The Maven dependency is:


Example usage for the Jackson library:

    ForecastRequest request = new ForecastRequestBuilder()
        .key(new APIKey("your-private-key"))
        .location(new GeoCoordinates(new Longitude(13.377704), new Latitude(52.516275))).build();

    DarkSkyJacksonClient client = new DarkSkyJacksonClient();
    Forecast forecast = client.forecast(request);
    System.out.println("forecast " + forecast);
    System.out.println("forecast " + forecast.getCurrently().getTemperature());

The Maven dependency for the Jackson library is:


It pulls in the base library automatically.

For more information about Request and Response format see: DarkSky documentation.