
Ett program för att konvertera swishrapporter till ett CSV-format som Briljant bokföring förstår.

Primary LanguageClojure


A program which takes a excel based report on sales from Swish and converts in to a CSV file ready for consumption by Briljant. Through some heuristics specified in settings.edn all transactions are also classified as to which kredit account they belong to.


The source code is available from https://github.com/LinkopingsStudentspex/swish-to-briljant


After downloading the source code either with git or by downloading a zip-file and extracting it, move your terminal to that folder with cd. Then run the following command to build a standalone version of the program.

$ lein uberjar

It can then be run with:

$ target/uberjar/swish-to-briljant-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar in/Swishrapport.xls

where in/Swishrapport.xls is the path to the Swish report you have aquired from your bank.


Once compiled this application may be run

$ java -jar swish-to-briljant-0.1.0-standalone.jar [args]


Copyright © 2019 Christian Luckey