
AML Dataset

Primary LanguageCypher

AML Dataset implementation guide


  • a Neo4j v4 server with admin or architect access rights (minimum supported version: v4.2)
  • APOC procedures are enabled in Neo4j (more information here)
  • a Linkurious Enterprise 3.0.4 or higher with admin access rights (getting started guide)


1. Importing the data in Neo4j

  1. Login to Neo4j Browser with an user having read/write access

  2. On the Browser settings panel, enable, if it's not, the Enable multi statement query editor option

    Neo4j Browser

  3. Copy the whole content of the scripts/import.cypher file and paste it in the Neo4j query field

  4. Run the query and wait

  5. (Optional) If you want to check the import results, run :sysinfo as a query and compare the number of nodes/edges in your database with the following table:

    ID Allocation

  6. Done!

2. Adding the datasource in Linkurious Enterprise

  1. Login to Linkurious Enterpise with an user having admin access
  2. Go to Admin -> Data-sources management panel and click on ADD A DATA SOURCE
  3. Fill these fields with the following values:
      • Name: AML
      • Vendor: Neo4j
      • URL: <url:port> (a stable idenfier for your Neo4j server)
      • Username: <yourUsername> (your Neo4j read/write user)
      • Password: <yourPassword> (your Neo4j read/write password)
    • Other
      • Alternative node ID: uid
      • Alternative edge ID: uid
      • Vendor: Neo4j Search
  5. Start the indexing process by pressing START and wait
  6. Done!

3. Setting default styles

  1. Go to Admin -> Data-source settings panel
  2. Scroll to the Default styles field and replace the whole content with the content of the lke-configurations/default-styles.json file
  3. Click on Save
  4. Done!

4. Setting default captions

  1. Go to Admin -> Data-source settings panel
  2. Scroll to the Default captions field and replace the whole content with the content of the lke-configurations/default-captions.json file
  3. Click on Save
  4. Done!

5. Setting queries

All the Standard Queries and Query Templates are contained in the lke-configurations/queries.cypher file

Repeat this procedure for every query in the file:

  1. Open the query editor panel (more information here)

  2. Copy the query from the file and paste it in the Write a query or a template field

  3. Click on Save

  4. Fill the Name and Description fields with the values provided in the file

  5. Click on Save again


    This is how the query should look like

    Query Details

    NOTE: Query ID may be different in your case

  6. Done!

6. Setting alerts

All the Alerts are contained in the lke-configurations/alerts.cypher file.

Repeat this procedure for every alert in the file:

  1. On the Alert dashboard, click CREATE NEW ALERT (more information here)

  2. Fill the Alert name field with the value provided in the file

  3. Fill the Description field with the description provided in the file

  4. Copy the target value from the file and paste it in the Target field Alert settings

  5. For each model in the Alert:

    1. Click on ADD A MODEL
    2. Fill the Model name field with the value provided in the file
    3. Fill the Model description field with the value provided in the file
    4. Fill the Model query field with the value provided in the file
  6. Fill the Query calculating case attributes field with the value provided in the file

  7. Click on ADD A COLUMN and fill the fields with the values provided in the file NOTE: repeat this step if more columns are specified in the file

  8. Turn on the Share alert toggle and select if you want to share it with all the users or with specific groups

  9. Turn on, if it's not, the Enable alert toggle Alert configuration

  10. Click on Save

  11. Done!

7. Setting custom actions

All the Custom actions are contained in the lke-configurations/custom-actions.txt file

Repeat this procedure for every custom action in the file:

  1. Open the Custom action panel (more information here)


  3. Fill the Custom action name, URL template and Description fields with the values provided in the file

  4. If any, replace <xxx> with the id of the query indicated in the file (read How to retrieve the ID of a query section)

  5. Click on SAVE


    This is how the custom action should look like

    Custom Action Details

    NOTE: queryID value may be different in your case

  6. Done!

How to retrieve the ID of a query

  1. Open the QUERIES panel (more information here)

  2. Identify the desired query

  3. Click on More and then on View details...

  4. The queryID is now displayed

    Query Details

8. Setting the plugin

  1. Download the data-table plugin available here (documentation available here).

  2. Copy the .lke archive in the folder <lke-server>/data/plugins

  3. On Linkurious Enterprise dashboard, go to Admin -> Global configuration

  4. Scroll to the Plugin settings field

  5. If there are no other plugins configured here, replace the whole content of the field with the content of the lke-configurations/plugins.json file and skip to step 8.

    Otherwise, go to step 6

  6. Copy the whole content of the lke-configurations/plugins.json file except for the { at the beginning and for the } at the end of the file

  7. On the Plugin settings field, add an new empty line before the last }, add in this line a comma (,) and, after the comma, paste the content copied in the step 6

  8. Click on Save

  9. On Linkurious Enterprise dashboard, go to Admin -> Data-source Schema

  10. Scroll to the end of NODES CATEGORIES & EDGES TYPES list and click on Create new categories


  12. Select the category you just created and, by clicking on Create a new property, create properties as following:

    Name Type Parameter
    address string
    avg_sqft_price currency symbol: $; format: #.###,## [Symbol]
    city string
    contract_id string
    price_range enum values: OVERPRICED, UNDERPRICED, NORMAL
    purchase_price currency symbol: $; format: #.###,## [Symbol]
    sqft number
    sqft_price currency symbol: $; format: #.###,## [Symbol]
    transaction_date date format: yyyy-mm-dd
    type string
  13. Done!