
Neo4J helper repository to run Neo4j with docker-compose

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Dockerized repository



To use this repo, you must first clone it locally

git clone git@github.com:Linkurious/docker-neo4j.git
cd ./docker-neo4j


Configure variables in .env. See .env.example for template. Reasonable defaults are provided. Simply use them when working localy.

ln -s .env.example .env
ln -s .env.neo4j.v4.example .env.neo4j.v4.dev

Start Neo4j

Run with docker-compose Neo4j v4

docker-compose up -d

Neo4j v5

docker-compose -f docker-compose.v5.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml up -d

Start Neo4j cluster

Neo4j v4

ln -s .env.neo4j.v4.example .env.neo4j.v4.dev
docker-compose -f docker-compose.cluster.v4.yml -f docker-compose.cluster.override.yml up -d

Neo4j v5

ln -s .env.neo4j.v5.example .env.neo4j.v5.dev
docker-compose -f docker-compose.cluster.v5.yml -f docker-compose.cluster.override.yml up -d

Browse database when working localy

Go to http://localhost:7474 and connect with the following parameters:

  • Connect URL: bolt://localhost:7687
  • Database: leave empty
  • Authentication type: Username / Password
  • Username: neo4j
  • Password: neo3j

Neo4j v3 restore

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.shell.yml run --rm neo4j bash

From dev env:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml  -f docker-compose.override.yml -f docker-compose.shell.yml run --rm neo4j bash

Backup and restore (Neo4j V4)

see https://neo4j.com/docs/operations-manual/current/backup/

When working localy, docker-compose.override.yml adds a local bind mount to the /backups folder.

Backups can be downloaded from Nexus. They have to be decompressed in the ./backups bind mounted folder.

Create an online backup (command to be executed in the context of the neo4j container, with docker-compose exec neo4j):

neo4j-admin backup --backup-dir /backups --database crunchbase-1.0.0

Restore/create from dataset:

neo4j-admin restore --from /datasets/4.2.0/crunchbase --database crunchbase-1.0.0  --verbose

Restore from backup:

neo4j-admin restore --from /backups/4.2.0/crunchbase --database crunchbase-1.0.0 --verbose

in v3.5.x

neo4j-admin restore --from /backups/3.5.15/fincrime-1.0.0/ --database graph.db

On first creation of a db, you will have to:

:use system
CREATE DATABASE `crunchbase-1.0.0` WAIT;

You can then check that the db has succesfully been restored with:

:use crunchbase-1.0.0
match (n) return n limit 10

Offline load

neo4j-admin load --from=/datasets/crunch.3.5.15  --database=crunchbase-1.0.0

and create the database via cypher-shell (the credential are specified in the .env.neo4j.dev at the root of you repository) :




see https://neo4j.com/labs/apoc/4.4/installation/

Download the appropriate version of apoc plugin and drop it in the plugins folder:

curl -L https://github.com/neo4j-contrib/neo4j-apoc-procedures/releases/download/ -o plugins/apoc-

Warning: Check the matching version for your version of Neo4j


load db

From a shell, stoped database :

bin/neo4j-admin push-to-cloud --bolt-uri neo4j+s://XXXXX.databases.neo4j.io --database=fincrime-1.0.0 --overwrite

Nexus datasets

Manual upload for large datasets

export dataset_name=fincrime-sales
export dataset_version=1.0.0
curl -L -v --user user@linkurio.us:${USER_PWD} --upload-file ${dataset_name}-${dataset_version}.tgz https://nexus3.linkurious.net/repository/datasets/com/linkurious/neo4j/4.2.4/${dataset_name}/${dataset_name}-${dataset_version}.tgz

Download dataset

export dataset_name=fincrime-sales
export dataset_version=1.0.0
curl -L -v --user user@linkurio.us:${USER_PWD} https://nexus3.linkurious.net/repository/datasets/com/linkurious/neo4j/4.2.4/${dataset_name}/${dataset_name}-${dataset_version}.tgz