
Minimal Squeak for Cloud Functions (Experimental)

Primary LanguageSmalltalkMIT LicenseMIT

A Minification Script for Squeak

Note: only tested on Linux and WSL.

Note: /!\ WIP: still contains some hardcoded paths you will have to adapt.

Clone and load via the Git Browser. Run REPLCleaner save and it will produce an image called aws-final.image and open a telnet connection on port 8080, to which you can connect to via telnet localhost 8080.

Know Issues

  • If you do not connect to telnet within 60s, the image will start spamming "ConnectionTimedOut" errors. Probably due to some process we accidentally killed.


The telnet client for squeak is adapted from http://github.com/hpi-swa-teaching/squeak-repl and adjusted slightly to depend on fewer packages.

The message send recorder for creating detailed space tallies is adapted from https://github.com/hpi-swa/MessageSendRecorder.