Download/clone this repo, open and simply run it:
$ git clone https://github.com/LintangWisesa/Flask_Sklearn_CaliforniaHouse.git $ cd Flask_Sklearn_CaliforniaHouse $ py app.py
It will automatically run on http://localhost:5000/. Open it via your favourite browser then you will see its landing page:
Try to POST to http://localhost:5000/predict
POST /predict JSON Body request: { "medinc" : [number], "houseage" : [number], "averooms" : [number], "avebedrms" : [number], "population" : [number], "aveoccup" : [number], "latitude" : [number], "longitude" : [number], }
Back to http://localhost:5000/ then you will be redirected to its prediction page form, where you can try to predict a profile. Insert medinc, houseage, averooms, avebedrms, population, aveoccup, latitude & longitude then click Predict button. The result will be shown on http://localhost:5000/predictform:
Done! 👍 Enjoy your code 😎
Lintang Wisesa 💌 lintangwisesa@ymail.com
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