Frontend Coding Challenge

Getting started

To get this challenge working you need to execute first yarn install in the root directory to install all the dependencies. After that you can use yarn mockdata which will spin up a server with mock data on port 3001. To start the frontend development environment you can use yarn dev. That will spin up a react frontend application on port 3000.

Challenge Description


Among many other functionalities, the Tacto App shows our customers' information about their supplier relationships in various tables. The goal of this task is to display a table with all suppliers. For this purpose, further information is needed, such as the contact person or the articles. You encounter here a not optimal API design from a frontend point of view. That means you have to aggregate data from different endpoints.


Currently, the table shows the supplier id, the name and the number of users, we have contact information from. Unfortunately your fellow engineer did not finish the task and the number of users shows always zero. This should be fixed and show the actual number.

In addition, the table should show the user with the role manager, if any is in the data, with email and the full name. In another column, the number of items purchased from this supplier should be displayed. If there is an article that is only purchased from this one supplier, a red warning icon should be displayed in another column, which shows on mouse hover which article it is (id and name).

Acceptance Criteria

The data should be fetched over the store. Most of the functions that you need to interact with the API and load data into the store should already be there. Feel free to add more hooks or functions to the store, but try to incorporate them into the project conventions.

Tech Stack


  • Do not install any new libraries.
  • Do not change the mock data.
  • Follow project conventions.
  • Use typescript