
Solving puzzles on adventofcode.com for 2018!

Primary LanguagePython

Solving Puzzles at AdventOfCode.com


In this repo I'll solve the AoC-Challanges as far as I want (and have time) to.

Feel Free to use this as a simplified structure for your own scripts.


  • Install python3
  • Download this repo
  • Go into the directory of this repo
  • $ python aoc.py -h


Your solutions go into the same directory as the main file aoc.py named puzzle<Day>.py

Example content puzzle<Day>.py

def solve_part_1(puzzle_input):
    return "My solution for part 1"

def solve_part_2(puzzle_input):
    return "My solution for part 2"


You can use the log(message)-Function as defined in aoc.py. It'll be automatically injected upon execution time.


You can either specify a file using --file <Path>, a string for short inputs with --input <Input> or place the file into inputs/input<Day> (without any file extension).


The inputs found, are my personal ones. If you want your solution, you can replace them with your own or specify with --path or --input.

The solutions sometimes may not be 'political correct' to the theory behind the puzzles. I try to solve them with minimal help and research as possible. This repo still should contain my solutions and not the ones hanging out on wikipedia or similar sites.