
A basic programming language. The compiler is written in rust using LLVM as it's backend.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A basic statically typed systems-level programming language. The compiler is written in rust using LLVM as its backend. A simple unoptimized x86_64 backend is also on it's way.


  • Runtime Speed: The language should make it possible to write code about as fast as C.
  • Short syntax: Shorter code is more fun to write and easier to read.
  • Type inference: Having to write less types makes the code shorter and refactoring easier.
  • Compilation speed: Compilation speed over a few seconds makes debugging painfully slow.
  • Simplicity: Syntax features are nice but too many of them make the language too complicated.



main :: fn {
    std.println("Hello World")
    x := 3
    y := 2 * x + 3
    y += 1
    std.c.printf("X is %d and y is %d\n".ptr, x, y)

Functions and pointers

use std.c.printf

add_pointer_values :: fn(x *i32, y *i32) -> i32: x^ + y^

main :: fn {
    x := 5
    y := 7
    printf("Result: %d\n".ptr, add_pointer_values(&x, &y))

Expressions, type inference

add :: fn(x i64, y i64) -> i64: x + y

main :: fn {
    x := 3 # x is inferred to have type i64
    pointer := &x
    std.c.printf("Result: %d\n".ptr, if 1 < 2: add(pointer^, 4) else -1)


# this constant doesn't have a specific integer type
A :: 40 + 2

main :: fn {
    std.c.printf("%d\n".ptr, A) # prints 42

    # can be assigned to any integer
    x: u8 = A
    y: i32 = A

    # also works with floats
    PI :: 3.14

    pi: f32 = PI
    pi_squared: f64 = PI*PI

Heap allocation

use std.c

Vec3 :: struct { x f64, y f64, z f64 }

print_vec3 :: fn(v *Vec3) {
    c.printf("Vec3: [%.1f, %.1f, %.1f]\n".ptr, v^.x, v^.y, v^.z)

main :: fn {
    v := c.malloc(12) as *Vec3
    v^ = Vec3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)


Enums can be used locally without a type definition.

use std.print
use std.println

main :: fn {
    color := .NoColor
    inp := std.input("Which color do you want? ")
    if inp == "red": color = .Red
        else if inp == "green": color = .Green
        else if inp == "blue": color = .Blue
    if color == .NoColor:
        print("You didn't select a valid color")
    else {
        print("Your color is ")
        # match exhaustively checks patterns on a value. Removing any of the
        # arms would create an error (even though the enum is completely inferred!)
        println(match color {
            .Red: "Red",
            .Green: "Green",
            .Blue: "Blue",
            .NoColor: std.panic("unreachable"),

Enum variants can also have arguments. This is known as sum types/algebraic data types in many other languages. Note that implicit enums can infer to explicitly typed enums without having to name the type.

use std.print
use std.println

Fruit :: enum { Apple(i32), Banana, Citrus }

main :: fn {
    # f is of type Fruit here because it is passed to print_fruit
    f := .Banana
    f = .Apple(5)

    # This would create a compilation error because Orange is not a valid variant of Fruit
    # f = .Orange



print_fruit :: fn(f Fruit): match f {
    .Apple(radius) {
        print("Apple with radius ")
    .Banana: println("A Banana"),
    .Citrus: println("A Lemon?")

Build Instructions

You will need LLVM 15 to build this project. The environment variable LLVM_SYS_150_PREFIX should be set to the path of your LLVM installation. Look at the llvm-sys crate for detailed instructions on how to build llvm.

Nightly rust will also be required. I will try to stay mostly up to date with the newest nightly version.

To run a program, use cargo +nightly run -- run example.eye